
Wait. You just said we need to understand the anti-choice perspective in order to effectively debate them and get them to compromise. Now you're saying that they can't be convinced of any pro-choice perspective, which would of course make ceding ground to them pointless. Which is it? Make up your mind.

Yeah right. It's common for trolls to pretend to be neutral and just happen to disagree with feminists. When you said "it's murder at any stage" you betrayed your true allegiance. Try harder. I doubt this anyone here's first day on the internet.

No. I don't need to try and understand the position that I shouldn't have bodily autonomy and that a fetus is more important than I am. Nope. I'm not going to debate whether or not I'm a human being with civil liberties.

Challenge accepted. I think you might go broke though. I've never once seen her voluntarily stop eating.

Whoa. That picture is huge. Sorry!

My cat is a clean slim female. I thought of her.

It was a few years ago that I read this, so unfortunately I don't have a link. There was study that surveyed white people and asked them whether college admissions should be based solely on grades and test results or if they should also aim for diversity. A significant majority picked the former. No surprise.

My argument is kaput because I don't like Thundfoot? That's some great manly STEMlogic you've got there.

I know who Thunderfoot is. I don't need to look him up. He's a misogynist asshat who attracts a cult following of other misogynist asshats. It doesn't surprise me at all that you're one of them.

No,there's no need to panic. However, the longer the epidemic rages on in West Africa, the more likely it is that infected people will start slipping through the cracks. What if the next Thomas Eric Duncan doesn't check himself into the hospital because going to the hospital didn't save Duncan? Any outbreaks

The ex-boyfriend posted his rant to several places, including 4chan who he worked with from the very start.

The death of gamers articles came out weeks after this started. Try again.

Do you want games to be taken seriously as an art form or not? Because books, TV, theater, art and movies have always been analyzed and criticized. Including sometimes from feminist perspectives. Stop throwing tantrums and pretending you're being oppressed by Anita Sarkeesian videos.

How many times does it need to be said? The whole movement started for the purpose of harassing Zoe Quinn. Journalistic integrity later became the cover story. The "gamergate is about journalistic integrity" claim has been debunked over a month ago!

It's more like the GOP, with the southern strategy deliberately became the anti civil rights and pro racism party and now they get pissed off whenever someone calls the GOP and their policies racist.

Except feminism isn't about man hating and never was. Gamergate was about harassing a woman from the very start. False equivalence.

The haters were the ones who started the label in the first place.

They're all claiming they've cared about journalistic integrity for years. I'm sure it's just a total coincidence that it didn't become a movement until the opportunity to criticize a woman's sex life came along. I'm sure it was just an oversight that no movement started when a male journalist explicitly tried to

Yet, gamergate became a thing only after a woman could be called "slut" and "whore" while pretending to be doing it in the name of "journalistic integrity." How convenient! Yet, when Josh Mattingly offered sex for information, people blamed not Mattingly for being a "whore" but the woman he harassed. http://kotaku.c