
Women are capable of internalized misogyny. A video from a woman who supports gamergate does not prove that you or the "movement" isn't misogynistic.

You're saying that gamergate has a point even though the movement was started as a campaign to harass and dox Zoe Quinn (and now, other women in gaming) and that people should work with the ones that are saying they condemn death threats even as they throw their lot in with those who made the threats. Right?

It was never hijacked in the first place. The chat logs prove it was never about journalistic integrity. Why is this so hard for you to grasp?

Interesting how gamergaters like to show how concerned they are with integrity and ethics by acting with neither isn't it?

Well, this comment proves you don't give a shit about ethics. You use the gg label because it gets publicity, not caring that women have been receiving rape and death threats. You're putting your dislike of game reviews you perceive as biased over the lives of human beings. And you have the nerve to get angry when

False. It started as a misogynistic harassment campaign and "ethics" was a cover and a way to attract useful idiots like you.

But gamergate started as a harassment campaign and "journalistic integrity" was invented as a cover

Thank you! I'm responding to this right away without reading the rest of the comments. But I'm going to assume they're full of gamergate butthurt. Yet this article is far too kind to gg. The whole thing started as an attack on Zoe Quinn and there are screenshots to prove it

Telling women they should be nice to and work with men who threaten to rape and kill them and their families and their apologists is the epitome of privilege blind cluelessness.

People voluntarily donating money to Anita Sarkeesian =/= Anita Sarkeesian stealing money.

How about you illustrate the supposed violence of Anita Sarkeesian, her fans and feminists by providing actual quotes instead of fake quotes you pulled out of your ass? At this point, I've seen hundreds of screenshots of gamergaters making death threats, rape threats, indulging in rape fantasies, and saying that if

The advice they were giving each other was hilarious. It was things like "don't use an anime avatar while pretending to be a girl unless it's Sailor Moon" or "pretend to be an Indian cab driver, that way SJWs will never criticize you."

Did you just compare privileged white male gamers who have their knickers in a twist over people wanting video games to be more inclusive to civil rights activists? Really?

No. You have it backwards. The whole thing started as a harassment campaign and there are chat logs to prove it. Then they used the whole "journalistic integrity" thing as a cover so they could complain it wasn't about hate, misogyny and harassment. Some people bought into that lie unfortunately. This was never

Anyone this upset about a woman criticizing video games is a manbaby. I see no problem with mocking these chucklefucks. If you want to coddle them, go ahead. Just don't expect the rest of us to.

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. If I made the claim that Aspirin cures AIDS, the burden of proof would be on me to provide evidence of that claim. It wouldn't be on everyone else to disprove me.

When fathers request full custody they are likely to get it. The reason mothers are more likely to have primary custody is that the fathers are less likely to want custody.

Male gamers as a whole? No. Misogynistic male gamers? Yes.

No one said that isn't possible, but gamergate was started as a misogynistic harassment campaign against Zoe Quinn. The chat logs prove it. Anybody defending gg is in effect supporting harassment and misogyny. There's no "both sides do it" false equivalencies to be drawn here.