
I bet Malala Youfsazi shot herself in order to make men look evil and misogynistic too!

#StopGamerGate2014 is trending on twitter right now. It's not going to stop these assholes from harassing and doxxing people but if nothing else it's a good place to vent.

Shhh. Facts are misandry!

Do you have evidence it isn't legitimate? Do you have any reason to believe she's faking death threats. Any reason besides your feelings? Anything that doesn't sound like the ramblings of David Icke or Alex Jones?

Did you just make up a fake Anita Sarkeesian quote in order to justify making death threats against not just her, but Utah State students and employees?

No. You're not the only idiotic misogynist in denial about how toxic the gamergate "movement" is.

They're desperate to justify the hatred and harassment of Sarkeesian. When one of their kind does something even they know they can't defend, they must resort to either conspiracy theories or just derail the conversation.

You're really grasping at straws here. What's next? Are you going to claim that Anita Sarkeesian brought Ebola into the US? Or that she was behind 9-11?

Maybe you should consider that leaving people alone who want to left alone is part of fundamental human decency. You don't get to reframe decency as others just behaving how you want them to behave.

Sorry, my phone posted too soon. People are not required to speak to you just because you want them to. Do you even comprehend the fact that women deal with harassment all the time and have good reason to refuse to talk to strange men? Or do you only care about your own feelings?

No, no, no. You are not entitled to interaction with anyone. People on public transportation

I'm sure one of the FEMA death camp employees have already snuck into Timmy's bedroom and injected him with an MMR vaccine so that he'll get autism.

As your people say, bless your heart.

This year, my city (Minneapolis) is recognizing today as Indigenous Peoples day instead of Columbus Day. It makes very happy.

This is the best counter trolling I've seen all day. You win one internets.

You mean pro slavery politicians, lawyers who represented slave owners, and merchants who sold goods to slave owners?

Trolls never read their own links do they? Or they have really poor reading comprehension skills.

Who are you to tell someone how she should respond to doxxing and death and rape threats? I suspect you wouldn't be so flippant if it was happening to you.

They aren't being mocked for gaming. They're being mocked for being cowardly misogynists. Gaming is completely mainstream. Something These guys hate because they want it to be an exclusive club. They are trying to have it both ways. They want to claim an oppressed minority status so they can call themselves