
This is the falsest equivalence I've ever seen. Feminism does not support castration. I've literally never encountered a feminist who is for. Gamergate, on the other hand was started as a harassment campaign. One movement is for social justice, the other is about trying to silence people who care about social

Most death threats probably aren't serious. But You have to take them seriously. Sometimes they are carried out.

It is political. Misogyny is very much a political issue and anti feminism is a political stance.

She had 700 untainted responses. That's a decent sample size. She wasn't using her data to make the claim that gg is a hate group though so I'm not sure what your point is. Gamergate brought itself in by trolling her project. She just happened to notice the parallels between gamergate and hate groups and wrote a

That was probably my nutty right wing uncle.

I have the same fear. It's a big part of why I never wanted kids too.

might I suggest that you wouldn't have to worry about this bullshit so much if you ladies weren't obsessed with finding a "bad boy" and changing him.

Yep. We're also misandrist to believe that men are capable of basic self control and decency and don't have to harass/rape/assault every woman who gets drunk around him or wears a low cut top.

I love the classic Zeebo the clown episode. I also used to think the episode about the girl who gets a pair of glasses that lets her see shadow people from an alternate dimension was really scary.

It's cute that you think you're the first person to ever notice that some women will such up to the patriarchy in hopes of taking advantage of it by getting close to it.

I'm so late to the thread, but thank you so much for this! I'm a woman who is kind of socially awkward (although better than I was as a kid), especially when it comes to flirting and dating. Yet somehow, I've managed to never street harass a man. Also, my brother is autistic and he doesn't harass women.

Oh, and you're moving the goalposts. Your original argument was that looking like an adult makes you one. Now you're pretending consent laws are fine and we just have to remember they're different elsewhere.

I think I did. I can practically see the rage spittle flecks on your screen. You made the disgusting argument that developing secondary sex characteristics qualifies a girl as an adult for sex or port purposes and are now all butthurt because several people called you out.

Oh look, another guy who just happens to have age of consent laws everywhere memorized but gets mad when he's called a perv for wanking to young girls.

Unsubstantiated terror panic and money making go so well together. See Shock Doctrine by Naomi Klein.

I see I struck a nerve. Maybe next time you'll stop and reconsider before you argue that boobs make one an adult. They don't.

It's a myth that medieval girls used to be married with kids by 16. The age most women married was more like 19 or 20. Giving birth at a young age is far more dangerous. The birth canal is smaller because contrary to what your perverted ass wants to believe, a 15 or 16 year old is not fully mature. Physically or

I'm really hoping the actress who played Ruthie had a parent or babysitter on the set with her at all times. I seem to remember from watching the E! True Hollywood Story of Full House (don't judge me) that the Olson twins did so maybe it's the norm when they're really young.

There's no magic transformation into a mature adult upon your 18th birthday. Literally no one is arguing that. But there has to be a line drawn somewhere and as a society we have chosen 18 as the age when you become an adult. Probably because it's when you graduate high school. If that means an exceptionally

My conspiracy theory is that they confiscate all your liquids so that passengers will be forced to buy wildly overpriced airport water, soda, shampoo etc.