
Which Bible passage forbids adopting children to gay and lesbian couples anyway? Not that it matters because any organization that receives government funds shouldn't be allowed to discriminate. I'm just curious.

I wouldn't use male tears in discussions about circumcision personally, but I do find it offensive when intactivists compare to FGM.

And what are MRAs doing to help men? Jack shit. All they do is troll feminist and female spaces and whine on the internet. They are only interested in stopping feminism even though feminism didn't create any of their problems.

I don't know but this troll is a regular on Gawker and Jezebel. Zie is an anti-feminist libertarian type and very, very tedious. So really, it could be anyone.

The male tears meme isn't about mocking men for experiencing emotion. It mocks men who whine about trivial bullshit and compare it to actual oppression. For example: Creep shaming.


Are you claiming Judgybitch didn't make up fake quotes? Because she admitted to it. Are you claiming MRAs didn't have a whiney meltdown over Valenti's shirt? Because they did and it's all documented.

I think a big factor is that guys overestimate the amount of blood we actually lose. IIRC it's on average 1/8 of a cup over the whole period. That's not really such a big deal. The beginning of Carrie always cracks me up because she bleeds way too much. You can really tell a man wrote that.

A pack of tampons is pretty overpriced. I'm lucky. My period only lasts a day or two and isn't heavy so a package of twenty lasts me a few months. I have to imagine it can get pricey for women who have long lasting heavy periods.

I actually love getting tampons and chocolate or ice cream together. Yep, I'm a cliché. Deal with it!

WotW is a new site put together by the former writers at Winter is Coming. They left WIC after it was bought by Fansided who promptly started running it into the ground. WotW is a site by nerdy fans for nerdy fans so it's a really good little community like WIC used to be. I highly recommend it. Especially if

I would recommend adopting an adult. Kittens are more likely to find a good home. There's a ton of cats in need of a home out there. I actually recommend everyone rescue adults if they can.

Seconding TheRealBrightEyes. My mom stayed at home while my brother and I were babies/toddlers and went back to school when we were still young. 7 and 4 I think. She still had plenty of time to spend with us and could do her schoolwork on weekends and evening when my dad was home so it didn't create too much

Watchers on the Wall for Game of Thrones news and discussion and We Hunted the Mammoth for mocking MRAs/PUAs/MGTOW. Plus Dlisted of course!

Have you watched Orphan Black yet? The Returned/Les Revenants is really good too. It's an ensemble but there are more female main characters than male. I'd also recommend Hex. Unfortunately it was short lived but the two main characters are a young woman who's sort of a witch and her best friend who is a

PUAs are very rapey, so yeah, probably. Also, a short guy can still have more strength than a woman. Men of any size tend to have more upper body strength so I'm not sure what your point is. There's a difference between being put off and being afraid. Men don't really have to fear women when they're out in public.

No one is universally considered either attractive or unattractive. If you are being called creepy on a frequent basis it is probably because you are behaving in inappropriate and boundary violating ways. I guess it's just easy to pretend that it's all the fault of women being shallow bitches so you don't have to

No you're not wrong. I wish Nice Guys ™ would stop with that bullshit. Creepy or abusive behavior is not welcome no matter what a man looks like. Average or below average looking men aren't looked at as creepy for simply asking a woman out. Creepy is a behavior. No more, no less.

No. That's not it. The few times I've received attention from other women it hasn't been threatening or scary like some unwanted attention from men can be. The size and power differential is important. This is why men don't typically feel threatened by unwanted attention from women and often don't understand