
He's an MRA troll who comes in here to attack imaginary straw feminists all the time.

I see you didn't follow my advice and look up intersectionality. No white person is ever oppressed for being white. A white person in the US might be oppressed for being female, gay, trans, poor, non-Christian, disabled or mentally ill. A white person is not oppressed for being white though. White privilege still

And BTW, a lot of Romani were killed in the holocaust too. That doesn't fit into your narrative about the holocaust somehow targeting white people so I'm not sure you care. Just putting that fact out there.

What the everloving fuck are you talking about? I never said holocaust victims weren't oppressed. I said they weren't oppressed for being white. They were oppressed for being Jewish. I'll add reading comprehension to the ever growing list of things you've failed at in this thread.

Your first example is of people being persecuted for Christianity. Not whiteness. Also, the Christian persecution narrative has been called into question by many historians. A lot of it might not have actually happened.…

And look at his avatar. So pathetically try hard.

"Perceived sexual/racial slights?" I guess it's safe to assume you're a white man and not someone who faces actual sexism or racism. I do like that you inadvertently admitted that you aren't oppressed and have no place whining about how tough white men have it though.

Do you seriously think Jezebel only wants white rapists to be prosecuted? Why don't you look up the Jameis Winston coverage? You'll find it just isn't true. And stop trying to act like white men are a marginalized group. They aren't. You're an embarrassment to non-moronic white people like me!

Because black and white aren't interchangeable. There's no history of white people being systematically oppressed. It's such a false equivalency. If you say nasty things about black people you're participating in that oppression. It makes the achievement of equality that much more difficult. Say nasty things

It's like that Doctor Who episode

So you're admitting that you're a fan of a white supremacist show? Speaking of BIG FAIL...

Does anyone have anything they want to hock? I want to link my blog but don't be the only tacky spammer! It consists of me getting drunk on wine and recapping A Song of Ice and Fire AKA the books Game of Thrones is based on. I like to think they're witty and snarky. They're safe for people who only watch the show.

I don't think you're overreacting at all. She sounds super sketchy. You or one of your siblings if you have them should be helping with his finances if he isn't capable of doing it himself.

I hate family drama. It's such a shame that it so often happens when there's a death. My aunt died about a year and a half ago. She was a widow with no kids so my grandmother was the beneficiary or her estate. My grandmother is 88 years old and doesn't know anything about financial and legal matters so my uncle

I had to go to the bank before it closed and liquor store unfortunately. It sucks because I stayed up until 6 am drinking and smoking pot. Something I haven't done in awhile because I'm in my 30's but my coworkers are bad influences! :) I accidently puked in the sink trying to hock a loogie after I woke up.

No. It can be done ethically and often is. I'm talking only about this specific situation. Not condemning everyone who uses surrogacy to reproduce.

Because the agency is interested in exploiting women in poor countries lacking regulations for a huge profit and they don't care about the well being of anyone involved.

That's fine when it's your pregnancy. However, we're talking about a wealthy first world couple who exploited a poor women they didn't even meet personally. Most likely she was not made aware that something like this could happen. That's why they're horrible people. If I was having a baby through surrogacy I would

That's awfully naïve of you to assume that the surrogate was fully educated on her rights and responsibilities and what precisely was in the contract.