
You've got to love that people think adopting a baby is as easy as going down to the Humane Society and picking out a cat.

Me too. This is one of those times that Jezebel seems to be for privileged white feminists only.

It's disheartening how many commenters here don't seem to understand this. Once again, I'm reminded of how many Jezebel commenters can't or won't do feminism intersectionally.

What's the point in asking whether or not this happened in the US? It didn't. The agency most likely didn't make it absolutely clear that this might happen. There's a reason this couple wanted to go outside of Australia. They knew it was easier and cheaper to exploit the body of a poor person in a poor country.

You act as if there is not a huge power differential between the couple, who are wealthy enough to hire a surrogate and a young, poor, uneducated woman in a country that lacks a lot of regulation. It's highly unlikely she was told beforehand that an abortion might be requested. It's really gross and colonialist on

We also should remember that the show only films for about 8 weeks and they only went on a handful of dates. They've been broken for about 3 months. Longer then they've known each other. Move on!

A lot of states have mandatory arrest laws when someone reports any domestic violence. It's meant to protect the victim who may be too scared to press charges after a DV call. Unfortunately it has some unintended consequences. The victim is often arrested along with the abuser because the abuse knows how to work

I agree. He sounds a lot like a white person imitating what he thinks black people sound like. It's especially fishy because he goes in and out of his black lingo from post to post.

I'm so glad she found a home! She looks a lot like my Dracarys and I got a little choked up reading your post.

I'm not sure about elsewhere, but in the US if you like using your spare time to relax it's like you're worse than Hitler. You must always be productive and busy or you're a terrible person.

And you, who spend your time trolling on a Jezebel open thread must have so much going for you.

I hate all the MRAssholes who vigorously deploy each and every MRA talking point verbatim and then get all indignant when you call them an MRA. What does it say about that "human rights" movement when its members deny belonging to it.

It's solid. I found a picture of him.

I was picturing something more like this

For someone who doesn't care you've sure spent a lot of time whining on this thread. Also, you were the one trolling this post, not me. Unless you're on a right wing evangelical site, claiming Christians are victims of bigotry in this country is trollish. Unless you're on a MRA site, spouting MRA talking points is

Lol. You regurgitate all the MRA talking points and pretend not to be one. That's an old trick and no one buys it.

Now playing

Who created the criminal justice and court systems? Who have been the ones starting wars? It's not an issue with misandry, it's an issue of the men who are in power not wielding that power justly. Feminists have fuck all to do with any of the problems men have so why hate us? Julia Sugarbaker says it best.

Mocking you didn't require any hard work at all but thanks for the gold star.

She's just responding to you on your own intellectual level. Nobody who is capable of critical thinking believes Christians or men are oppressed classes who need to be protected from the bigotry of actual marginalized groups.