
No worries. You made your comment first. And I was certainly a shit as a teenager sometimes!

Wow. People are stupid. The one time I drunkenly used the pull out method you bet your ass I was taking emergency contraception soon after.

Bill and Kim are my favorites too. Millie is also super adorable. I probably relate to Lindsay the most though. I was smart but not particularly studious in school and I was also too bad for my good friends and too good for my bad friends.

Yes. I wonder if they're going to blend her with Obara Sand and make her the heir after killing off Trystane or something. Casting Keisha Castle-Hughes as Obara tells me they're probably expanding her role.

If you don't mind subtitles, Varg Veum is good. It's about a scruffy, sexy PI in Bergen, Norway. It might just be fun for me to watch because I have ancestors from the Bergen area though.

Beniof's answer to the question about Jaime's confession was exactly what I told people who were having a meltdown about its omission. I feel vindicated!

Haughty? You don't like uppity women who don't know their place do you? No wonder you're defending violence against women.

The simplest explanation is usually the right one. What is the more simple explanation? That he's a violent person or that she provoked an otherwise decent guy into knocking her unconscious? Why go for the convoluted what if straightaway unless you have an agenda? In this case the agenda being something along the

Lucy Lawless?! Yay!!!

I'm nervous about no word of Manderly and Barbary Dustin yet. This isn't likely a complete list though. Casting announcements generally trickle in as late as September.

Obara is supposed to be all big and muscly and plain looking. It's disappointing that they went with someone more conventionally attractive. I have no doubt Keisha Castle Hughes will do a great job but it still kind of sucks.

Not in the books but from some of the leaked audition tapes it seems like they might be her daughters in the show.

Rumor has it that there will be no Kindly Man and they're bringing back Jaqen H'ghar instead.

I hope so! Once at my old job we were swamped with work and new stuff kept coming and I said it was like trying to clean the Aegean stables. Nobody got the reference. It's be fun to see that go more mainstream.

Really? I took 3 years of Latin in high school, one year of ancient Greek in college as well as a Classical Greek art and architecture course and I even forget the Hercules/Heracles distinction a lot of the time. They sound and look very similar and in popular usage everyone always goes with Hercules. It's not the

The trailer made me think that it might be worth enduring the inevitable cheesiness and stupidity to see all the monsters come to life. Good job Ratner and everyone else involved. Now I won't be seeing your dumb movie!

Except the message did work so what's your problem? You really sound like you hate the idea of men not being expected to be violent against women.

Ok, kinja fucked up the blockquoting but hopefully the point is still clear.