
When a comic (or movie, TV show or video game) focuses exclusively on white men it's because "duh! They're a business. That's what makes money!" and that's just fine. Now when they make Thor a woman it's a business decision, therefore bad? That makes total sense.

Caleb also made a bunch of bigoted remarks about Barack Obama on social media prior to joining the cast. I don't really like Amber much either but I do feel bad for her being in the same house as her creeper. Can you imagine? I get freaked out when I'm trapped on the bus for 20 minutes with a creeper!

I absolutely hate that people are trying to make the term "creep-shaming" happen. No. Just no. If you're a creep, you should be ashamed!

You seem more concerned with protecting the reputation of soldiers than with what happened to Sarah Goode. Did you really need to derail with some #notallsoldiers bullshit? Also, the word 'savages' has a lot of racist and colonialist history and connotations. Can you use a different word?

The "good guys" really need to stop expecting us to be able to magically tell them apart from the bad ones. Especially if they can't be bothered to speak up when one of their friends or family members is saying something misogynistic.

Right? My brother is autistic and he and I were still well behaved enough to sit in the salon lobby and wait for my mother from time to time. He'd play with one of his toy giraffes, I'd look at a book or magazine. No problem!

I don't think breaking a window to rescue a child counts as vigilante justice. They didn't do it for retribution. They did it to help the kids who were in distress. I know this is 'Merica where private property is always considered more important than human beings but in my mind the well being of little kids > car

I'm glad I wasn't the only one who noticed that. How exactly are misogyny and lack of upper body strength connected?

You're not alone. I'm a feminist atheist too and I feel the same way. I was never involved in any atheist community before and didn't find out how rife with misogyny it was until the Rebecca Watson incident. Most non-theists I know in meat space were turned off by all the misogyny and homophobia in most religions

Oh honey, it's not satire if you believe it. You use satire to critique an idea you don't believe or a person/group you disagree with. Jonathan Swift didn't really want to eat Irish babies, Stephen Colbert isn't really a right winger. Satire: You're doing it wrong. Reactionaries never can understand satire and

Who gives a fuck if you're not comfortable with trans and non-binary people? People are supposed to hide their gender identity just so you don't have to be uncomfortable? It's a lot easier for you to just grow up and get over it than it is for someone to force themselves into a gender box they don't belong in. How

Did you mean to reply to someone else? I never mentioned anything about breasts. I've only taken a class in classical Greek art and architecture which is why I noted elsewhere that I am no expert and only go by my enjoyment of visiting museums. I'm not sure where the hostility and condescension is coming from here.

Citation that isn't a shitty evo psych blog? Narrow hips are the reason childbirth is more dangerous for teenagers. The reason that women (even in non-industrialized areas) put on weight after giving birth is so that the next baby can be safely delivered at a higher birth weight.

When did I blame my feelings on the entirety of the opposite sex? I only said it's aggravating that body image wasn't considered an important issue until it started happening to men. I blame a culture that's still sexist and doesn't take women seriously. Nowhere did I say I blamed each individual man. For someone

Yes I find Aaron Piersol hot. So what? Does that mean I only find Olympic swimmers attractive? Not at all. Actually, I'm not usually even into jocks. I've dated and hooked up with guys with a variety of body types including short and skinny, chubby, and stocky and yes, lean muscled. The only deal breakers for me

It's only been in the last few years that beauty standards for men have started becoming unattainable. What do our great grandmothers have to do with this? This shift has happened in my lifetime. 10 years ago body image was an issue nobody took seriously because it was considered a women's issue. That's the point.

Then why does pretty much every college have psychology, sociology, and anthropology departments? The notion that only "hard" science has any value at all is not edgy anymore. We've all heard it.

Since beauty standards change across time and place it is actually quite safe to say that culture does set beauty standards. People are social animals and even the most independent people are somewhat influenced by culture.