
What are you talking about? I'm a feminist and I have never once thought to myself "this guy is so traditional and buys into the patriarchy!" because of it. I think that of men who expect women to be submissive Stepford wives (judging from your early post, that's you). I think that of men who view women as sexual

Thank you! I was a away from kinja for awhile but I had the exact same thoughts.

Oh please do tell me what men I'm attracted to.

Because they ultimately find preserving their male privilege more important than having a fulfilling and guilt free sex life? Or maybe they're just afraid that the only circumstances in which they can are attract women are circumstances in which women must financially depend on men.

True. I specifically searched Google images for renaissance nudes because when people think of art in the middle ages that's what people tend to think of. I'm by no means an art history expert. I just like museums. From what I've seen, 13th century European art tends to be mostly religious with fewer depictions of

Yeah, I feel guilty about the fact that I have more sympathy for women than men when it comes to body image issues. I'm just angry that is was considered a silly and shallow problem until it started happening to men. I think I have the right to be angry about that. Not only do I hate how my body looks, I hate that

Citation needed.

It's so hilarious to me that body image is starting to be considered a serious problem now. Because now beauty standards for men are getting more rigid and unattainable just like our beauty standards have been since mass media came into existence. I remember not long ago having body image issues was considered a

I agree with you that no one is entitled to be found attractive and that the real women have curves thing is terrible. I don't think that's what this post is. It's pointing out that beauty standards set by popular culture effect what people find beautiful.

If you look at renaissance nudes they're completely different than what it seen as beautiful today. There's more variety in body types presented as beautiful but one thing that they have in common is soft bellies. I'm not sure where you're seeing slender waists. The wasp waist corset style was actually more popular

My weight has fluctuated a lot over the years. I've been skinny, chubby and everywhere in between. No matter what my weight is I've always had a curvy hourglass figure. I'll never be a waif, a pear or an apple. I hate the equation of curvy with fat. I hate real women have curves bs too. It leaves me unable to

We all know a lot of people around here, trolls especially but some regulars too have a very white/western centric view of things. Pretty Japanese guys and their popularity with women don't count!

That's the whole point. Beauty standards effect attraction a lot of the time. People act like our beauty standards are natural but they change across time and culture. Media absolutely effects things. What's the logic in finding super thin more attractive than any other body type? There is none. It's just what

We can always count to you to come into weight related posts to make asinine comments. Do you really think everyone who isn't thin eats 5000 calories of junk food every day? Binge eating disorder absolutely exists but it sure as hell doesn't effect 2/3 of the population. Time to post this article again. http://aeon

I see workplace safety as a class issue not a gender issue. It's all about worker's rights and wealthy employers seeing workers (whatever their gender) as commodities.

I had to wait at the bus stop while the person in a wheelchair was lifted into it first. I'm so oppressed! s/

But then they turned around and said this ruling wouldn't apply to employers who oppose blood transfusions or vaccines on religious grounds because those things are necessary for public health. They either can't understand that BC is necessary for public health or they simply don't care about women's health. Either

Advertising is really going to far and creating a backlash in their increasing desperation for attention. I was always fine with banners even though they're ugly. I tolerated pop ups even though they're annoying. Then websites started doing autoplay videos that frequently have audio. I had no choice but to get

The person I was responding to acted as though his own preferences were universal. That is why I requested citations. I am very aware that everyone has their own preferences.