
My aunt is in her 50s and stunning. She's also successful. If she weren't already married (to a younger man!) I'm sure she'd have no trouble finding a sexual partner.

You're assuming that age defines worth. You must first establish that 20 year olds > 30 year olds > 42 year olds before we can accept your premise. Provide citations that are not from reddit.

I've always had a huge crush on Hal Sparks.

John Redcorn is pretty hot although I've always been into Trent. When I was little I got my first crush on Esteban from Cities of Gold.

Five by five!

There is a pervasive stereotype that newly sober people are judgmental and think everyone else is an alcoholic so maybe they're afraid that's how you'll act. If you make it clear you're cool with them having a couple of drinks at dinner and only have an issue with being around people when they're wasted, maybe it'll

I haven't seen it. Is it on Netflix or YouTube?

Congratulations on your sobriety! I'm sorry you're having trouble with your old friends. Are they all heavy drinkers? Are you able to hang out with people who are drinking in moderation? I'm just trying to figure out if they were drinking buddies and that's it or if they were good friends who might just be

Ew! I should also point out that organic food companies don't treat employees any better than big ag companies do. People should stop assuming that eating organic produce means you're behaving ethically.

Are you me? I never meet anyone either. I've afraid to try online dating but I don't feel the ticking clock because I also don't want kids. I wouldn't mind a partner but there's no uterine urgency. Minneapolis is such a shitty city to be single in. I'm 34 so I'm about the age where I can start going for recently

That was awfully judgmental. Getting blackout or puking drunk often isn't so good, but a lot of people enjoy alcohol without being alcoholics. Alcoholism is a serious disease and it's offensive to label anyone who likes alcohol as an alcoholic. It's kind of like assuming every skinny person is an anorexic.

Yes. A lot of women like to think that it can't happen to them if they behave correctly. It's a really dangerous attitude to have.

Ugh. All the men who pull out the whiny "what do I need a signed consent form now?" crap are THE WORST. My response is usually "if you can't figure out when you have consent and when you don't, I think a signed consent form is a great idea!"

I replied too quickly and didn't read the whole thread. If you want to look thinner for your trip, there are ways to safely drop water weight. People poo poo losing water weight vs. fat but it actually does make a difference. Take an odorless garlic and papaya pill combo. You'll pee a lot but unlike laxatives it

No. Don't do it. Your body already knows how to cleanse itself. That's what the intestines/colon/anus and kidneys/bladder/urethra are for! Any weight loss will be temporary and it would be dangerous to deny yourself nutrients and calories for that long. When I had an ED and was restricting a lot, I got dizzy,

It's pot that has a long half life and tends to show up in drug tests. They aren't very effective for finding hard drugs. If someone is so badly addicted they can't stay sober for a day or so to pass a drug test, they probably won't make it out of the interview process anyway.