
We have at will employment in this country so it's easy to fire an irresponsible employee whether they're a stoner or not. It's also silly because pot doesn't give most people a terrible hangover. Alcohol does and drug testing, because it doesn't cover alcohol won't do anything to insure employees don't skip work

True. Americans see themselves as temporarily embarrassed millionaires like Steinbeck said.

No worries! I'm going to a barbeque in about a half an hour. Just passing the time till then.

But poor people are icky so it's all OK amirite?

Bling and apple bottom jeans? Wow. I have a feeling that you're actually just a racist who resents black patients and assumes they're all on welfare and/or drugs whether they are or not. It really terrifies me that you work in an ER and are responsible for people's lives and well being.

He might have. After all, he probably only offered to heal people who were smart enough to major in STEM and get a great job. Everyone else deserves to be poor and sick. Jesus was a bootstrapper!

I've only been tested for one job and it was a terrible experience. The people at the testing place treated me like I was already guilty even though it was the policy to drug test all new hires and it wasn't like they suspected me personally of being on drugs.

I'm so over the hypocrisy of "small government conservatives."

Did you miss the part about this being tried in other states and found to be ineffective and a waste of money? You sound like you're just really hyped up to punish people you don't like. It sucks that there are people who take advantage of the system, but if going after them prevents the people who need services

I made the exact point in another thread without reading yours first! I wish the people who are for this, despite the fact that's it's been proven to be an inefficient money waster would just come out and admit that they're classist. This is about punishing and humiliating poor people. Nothing more. And as income

Why do only poor people who get government money have to take a drug test? Why not oil executives who get subsidies? Why not farmers? They get subsidized heavily. How about Boeing or Lockheed executives when they get lucrative contracts?

For one thing, it's mostly marijuana that stays in the urine for a long time. Many other drugs have a short half life and you only have to stay sober for a little while.

MRAs love to appropriate the very real mass incarceration problem black men have. Do they do anything about it though? Hell no. I've never seen MRAs leading the charge against say, stop and frisk. I also don't remember hearing an outcry from MRAs about Trayvon Martin's murder. Probably because there wasn't a

Mike Buchanan was trolling us on We Hunted The Mammoth for awhile. He kept spamming us with his pathetic blog, pretty much begging for page views. He's got a political party called Justice for Men and Boys (and women who love them). That's pretty much guaranteed to never win office in the UK. He attracted the

Men are not unwelcome in feminist discussion. Men who claim that women are privileged or men have it just as bad are unwelcome.

Incarceration is much more of a race and class issue than a gender issue. If you're a white and/or middle or upper class man the chances that you will go to prison are not any higher than mine (middle class white woman) are. You're looking in the wrong place. Also, the definitive book on the subject is actually by a

MRAs are mad because feminists aren't doing their work for them. Instead of getting together and opening up shelters for abused men or putting out suicide prevention PSAs they whine on the internet about how feminists are evil for fighting for own rights. Until MRAs are willing to do any activism themselves, I have

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Feminists are for breaking down the traditional patriarchal gender roles that prevent men from seeking help for domestic abuse or mental health issues or that say boys who are the victims of statutory rape by women are actually "lucky." It's not feminists who are unsympathetic to these men. It's macho dudebro types.