
Yes we women with our inferior ladybrainz are just too stupid to vote for the Republicans who keep doing their best to restrict our reproductive rights.… How could we not know that some old conservative from the bible belt is best equipped to decide what happens in our uteri?

My friend's dad demanded and got a DNA test in the early 80's. It's much easier know. Of course, he was still a deadbeat even after he was proved to be the father. These people are just looking for an excuse to abandon their kids.

These people are so awful. They act like their kids are pawns. It's disgusting. I don't have kids. I have two cats. If for some reason I couldn't care for my cats anymore and had to give them to a friend or family member to care for I would happily pay for their upkeep to make sure they were safe and taken care

Those years she stays home means her earning power will be permanently impacted. If you got divorced or if you died or became disabled she would not be able to just jump back into the workforce and make what she would have been able to if there was never an absence. She'd be screwed. Nobody is saying you aren't

Stop pretending all failed suicide attempts are eating a handful of aspirin. They are often stronger drugs or wrist slitting while methods like gunshots to the head are more popular with men. Any suicidal ideation, regardless of gender needs to be taken seriously. Why does the conversation have to be gendered? If

Oh, but it's misandry to put the needs of the kids before the needs of the father. Didn't you know that? Mothers could raise their kids for free if they weren't such feminazi bitches. Duh!

So, your own child is out of sight, out of mind to you? That's how little you care about their well being? You would deny them the care they need to spite an ex wife and/or the court system?

Yep. Like Thomas Ball who set himself on fire in front of the court house because he was denied custody and ordered to pay child support. He was denied custody because he punched his toddler daughter hard enough to draw blood. Thomas Ball is a hero to MRAs and until last was listed under the "activism" tag on the

You are so killing it in this thread.

Here's a good counter to that:

If corporations are people you shouldn't be able to buy and sell them. That's slavery. If corporations are people they should be able to go to jail when they commit a crime.

That's why I don't give the Catholic church much credit for being concerned about the poor. Birth control is crucial for getting not just women but whole communities out of poverty. The poorest countries tend to have the highest fertility rates.

Murder isn't a proper noun. You shouldn't capitalize it when it's in the middle of a sentence. That's all.

I hope you don't mind doing your share paying for the welfare and food stamps for the babies of these employees. If someone can't pay several hundred dollars one time for an IUD what are the chances she can afford to raise a kid?

Oh dear. I hope L Frank Baum comes back from the dead to play mean tricks on him. The majority of the main protagonists in the original 14 books are female. The most powerful characters are female. The Wizard does not have a complicated backstory and he only learns real magic later on because Glinda taught him.

I'm not caught up on the whole thread so sorry if this argument was already made. Nobody is saying that OITNB is above criticism because it's created by a woman and about women. I've seen a lot of criticism from feminists about the relationship between Dayanara and her prison guard boyfriend (can't remember his name

This comment is so incredibly naïve and tone deaf. Have you been living under a rock?