
Defending the white man is always the logical position! s/

I'd say apartheid South Africa is more analogous. White people don't stopped and asked for ID all the time. I'm white and I've jaywalked in front of cops so many times. I've never, ever been stopped.

And there's less food and drinking water to go around when a too large segment of the population are children. Birth control allows women to be more productive and less poor. Please provide a citation for the statement "misogyny doesn't cause poverty." Again, women and girls are half the population. When trying to

How is misogyny not an important global issue? That's a really shitty thing to say. Women and girls are half the fucking global population. How is our well being and safety not important? If you're referring to poverty being the more important issue, you can't separate the two. This is why social justice

He's been pope for awhile now. We gave him a chance. The bloom is off the rose. He is somewhat good on economic issues, but even there he deserves criticism. Family planning is crucial to getting individuals and country's out of poverty. Particularly for teenage girls who are better off going to school than

Oh please. They've had centuries to stop being corrupt and with each generation they fail at it. They're decades behind the times. They're decades behinds a majority of their own laymen on many issues. If they don't want to keep losing followers in developed nations they need to get with it. The time for baby

I think most people are actually capable of critical thinking. There's a whole spectrum between blind deference to authority and complete distrust of authority at all times. I think I can judge for myself when to trust and when not. I might be wrong occasionally but I'd rather not turn myself into an Alex Jones

How is this in any way equivalent? This is about people making immoral choice because an authority told them to. Choosing to trust the expertise of scientists on anthropogenic global warming and vaccines is not an immoral act. It doesn't harm anyone.

That doesn't mean you are a safe person to be around. Are you one of those creeps who happens to have the age of consent memorized everywhere?

There is no fucking way I would have been interested in a 15 year old at age 19. That's potentially a college sophomore with a high school freshman. In some districts 9th graders are still in junior high. Ick!

If she gets doxxed a child molester who saw the video might decide to stalk, harass or even physically harm her. That happens to adult women who have their nude photos or sex tapes distributed. That's sickening enough. Having it happen to a minor is even sicker. These guys deserve whatever they get.

Sick bastard. You do realize that once a video of a minor having sex goes on the internet it can be seen by people who aren't teenagers? Do you not understand that this was distributed for the whole world to see? Do you not get that she could be doxxed, stalked and harassed by some pedo?

Do you seriously not see the difference between consenting to a private sex act and consenting to a public one? If the sex had never been filmed and distributed we wouldn't even know about it. With it having been filmed and distributed any old pervert can find this online and wank to it. She's at risk of being

How do you know that they won't be going after teenaged girls in 20 or 30 years? They've already shown predatory tendencies by distributing a sex tape starring a minor. Predators love nothing more than a young target because they are vulnerable.

You are one sick fuck. The law has determined that anyone under 18 can't consent to filming a porn. The hockey players didn't just keep it for their own spank banks. They distributed it. This video is going to floating around the internet for the rest of her life. Why would you feel bad for them? They should be

Diving is way harder than just falling from the sky.

Divers don't shave their legs. If they're smooth they get slippery and you are in danger of falling out of your tuck or pike. When I was a diver we would shave a few days before a meet so we could get a stubble going by the time we competed. The guys don't shave their legs at all. Swimmers do though.

I mentioned this in another thread but I'll do it again. I was in swimming and diving for fifteen years and never saw a Speedo pop off or slide down. They're made to suction to your body. They always look like they're in danger of falling off but they really aren't. In fact, for any women with big boobs, I would

I was a diver and a swimmer for 15 years and I never once saw a Speedo fall off a guy. Both the men's and women's suits are made to suction to your body. They hug your shape no matter what shape you are. Men's Speedos might look precarious but they really aren't.

Seriously? I had an allergic reaction to the whooping cough vaccine as a child and only got the partial course. That means I have to rely on herd immunity to keep me protected from the disease and to keep babies and immuno-compromised people from safe from it. The "choice" to not get vaccinated puts myself and