
I'm not bothered by seeing other women's nipples and I'm not usually a "you can't be upset about a first world problem because third world people are worse off!" tone troll, but yeah, this seems like a really pointless battle. Instagram and Facebook are private companies and have the right to set their own policies

Redefining objectification? No. I'm defining it. Finding someone attractive isn't objectification. Viewing someone as an object is. Our culture views women as objects. It doesn't do the same to men with any regularity.

Because whiny dudebros think women found Meeks attractive because he's a felon. They're convinced it's not looks it just that women love bad boys. But when an attractive guy does something sweet, like cuddle with a puppy the internet melts down for that too.

You make a fair point. Even though the dick pic is fake, it should not have been linked. But it feels wildly hypocritical as I recently spent an entire afternoon trying and failing to make you understand that street harassment is a frightening violation and you admitted to not caring about misogyny.

They also conveniently forget all the squeezing that came with these very sweet and nice pictures

Because the marginalized group is always held to a higher standard of behavior than the privileged group?

Name calling and being mean is not the same as an ad hominem attack. She's just saying he's a pathetic asshole not that being a pathetic asshole renders the argument invalid.

Who's saying that a man looking at pictures of attractive scantily clad is sexual assault? I've never once heard that.

Why do you hate men so much?

Yes you are supporting rape you sick fuck. An involuntary physical response is not consent.

Yeah, just look at how Beyoncé's association with Obama ruined her career. Oh, wait. No it didn't.

Oh I know. That wasn't directed at you it was directed at the culture as a whole. And yes I've seen that article. I think I even bookmarked it. Interesting stuff.

Everyone I've ever known who lived in any European or Asian country for a while lost weight without putting any effort into it. I've also known people from other countries who've gained weight living here even though they didn't suddenly become lazy and gluttonous as soon as they set foot on American soil.

But what does the sentence mean if the comma is correctly plaaced. Judging from your posting history you seem to have some axe to grind against fat people and are obsessed with proving that fat shaming doesn't exist so I'm not sure why I'm engaging. You still haven't provided an alternate explanation so I'm just

Gawker Media always reports on stories that go viral. You're just figuring this out now?

Sounds like SIP needs to be

Can you explain how "fat girls shouldn't talk" can be interpreted in an offensive and non fat shaming way?

How did I not hear about that!? Time to fire up the Google machine.

How is this Obama's fault? Congress controls the purse strings and they refuse to pass any of the jobs bills Obama has put forth.

Haha. I Should've read the whole thread before commenting. I just made the same point. STEM is absolutely the new law school. People can't seem to grasp that more people getting a STEM degree won't magically create lots of new, high paying jobs in those fields.