
Exactly. STEM degrees will soon be the new law degrees. What our economy needs is for jobs outside of STEM and other higher paying fields to pay enough to live on. A huge portion of the job market will continue to be customer service for the foreseeable future. Those jobs need to pay.

It doesn't matter if the police actually do anything. It helps because if you decide to take the noisy neighbor to court you have a record of the issues.

What about the girl wrestler? That was a pretty good one too.

I know. Even with the fairy blood it doesn't make sense. That should only attract vampires. Why are Sam and Alcide so obsessed with her? Every other female character is better and they don't get anywhere near as much play. This show would be so much better if Sookie and Bill weren't in it.

There should be serious consequences for schools that are under investigation if they don't get their act together. Maybe withhold research grant funding?

Now playing

I don't think they see woman as fully human. Not a surprise since our whole culture doesn't.

They disseminated the video when they were on campus though. Why are you bending over backwards to defend this?

Because he/she agrees with Will and doesn't want to come out and say it? That or a need to smugly stay above the fray or play devil's advocate. I'm guessing a combination of both. It's a more sophisticated variety of tone troll.

He was "dissenting" from the view that rape and assault allegations should be taken seriously. Not every opinion deserves to be treated respectfully and given space in major newspapers.

When my mom was growing up her mother told her "I hope you have a daughter just like you someday." She did.

Oh dear. They can do bug killing too! Although my cat does that pretty well.

Right? As a woman I'm supposed to want a husband and babies more than anything but I dislike cleaning up after myself. Cleaning up after an entire family sounds like no fun at all.

Isn't he so cute? He thinks spouting the same tired sexist bullshit everyone's heard a million times is some sort of novel challenge to our worldviews and opinions.

Evolution is falsifiable. It's been tested a lot. Intelligent design has not falsified it. Science has not falsified it, only refined it. As of now the theory of evolution is the only thing that sufficiently explains life on Earth. Not only hasn't it been falsified but the positive evidence is overwhelming. So

Exactly. They made Shae actually care about Tyrion so she could Tysha's place. Exposition about a character that's never appeared on screen placed in the middle of a tense scene simply wouldn't have worked on television.

Are you the woman this article was about?

Capital gains are taxed at a lower rate than wages. Rich people get huge deductions when they take the mortgage tax break. Corporations are hugely subsidized. It's easy for rich people to claim tax exempt status on their country estates by calling them farms. Rich people store their income in tax shelters. It

Eat what you want. It's not my business. Just don't spout pseudoscience. You aren't on some paleo diet your body evolved to eat because gut flora evolves as a culture's diet evolves. You're just on a standard issue low carb diet. If it works for you, great. But the idea that you can attach the label good or bad

Produce we eat today is very genetically different than plants in the paleothic era thanks to evil agriculture. The same goes for the livestock we eat. I'm sure because of this your diet consists of bugs, wild animal's you've trapped or leavings you've scavenged from other animals kills. Right?