
I was thinking Santorum.

They also had expensive juicers and made killer kale smoothies.

I'm surprised my grandmother didn't do this. She was obsessed with butter and put it on everything. Deserts, burgers, PB & Js. Everything. She would be all over this trend if she were alive.

I second the eye roll. That paragraph sounded like typical racist colonialist stereotyping of Asians as mystical and magical people who know all of nature's secret wisdom.

Plus, there isn't a universal diet that paleolithic people ate. People ate the things that were available in their region. Are you supposed to eat like a paleo Siberian? A paleo Brit? A paleo South African? Does it depend on your ethnic background?

Why would you be seeking equality for men? Men aren't an oppressed or marginalized class. Loss of privilege =/= loss of rights. This ruling was class oppression not gender oppression but in any case the regulars here were very much against it. So you're whining over nothing.

Wow. Jezebel trolls are so dedicated to "what about the menz!?" whining that even when an article is all about the menz and the commenters are all in support of the menz there still has to be someone like you crying "what about the menz!?"

The government subsidizes the rich in so many ways. You are not only gross for thinking violating someone's bodily autonomy is OK, you are also really stupid. If the governments going to be sterilizing people, you should probably be on the list of people unfit to breed.

It would be fine, even great if the government paid for vasectomies and tube tying for anyone who wanted it for any reason. What's not OK is for the government to force a coerce someone into getting sterilized. That's a violation of privacy and bodily autonomy.

Ugh I know. People are really invested in believing in it to. I suppose it's because to the uninformed the terms sound authoritative and scientific.

A lot of women are geeky and/or like geeky guys. It sounds like you just wanted a shallow superficial woman who is really into her looks and not much else and then universalized that to all women. What you've described as the "average" woman doesn't sound like myself or any of the other women I've ever known.

You extroverts had your time in the sun. Let us shine now!

Why haven't they? Why has there never been a female Marc Lepine or Elliot Rodger? You can't use the "both sides do it" equivalency if both sides aren't actually doing it.

I think threatening a mass shooting that's targeted towards a specific group should be considered a terroristic threat. But apparently since 9-11 only Muslim fundamentalists are allowed to be called terrorists so I guess that's not going to happen.

The guy you're replying to called me a bad feminist in the Gawker post for not feeling compassionate towards this guy though. I don't think he's out of the mind set just yet.

Statistically gun owners are more likely to be shot than non gun owners. The idea that only a good guy (or woman) with gun can stop a bad guy with a gun is demonstrably false. In one of the last shooting in the news, the one in Las Vegas the shooters killed and disarmed two cops and an armed civilian. More guns

They need a report button. A person shouldn't need instructions about how to report this stuff.

Considering their worshipful coverage of socialites I think it is trying to sell a lifestyle. They not only show photos of socialites at parties, they have articles about their interior design, diets and weddings even though there is never anything interesting about these people because their only skill was being

I could waste a lot of time trying to explain the difference between finding someone sexually attractive and objectifying them but you are clearly a tone troll and nothing is more tedious than a tone troll.Counter trolling is a worthier use of my energy.