
Whiny MRAs need to get their story straight. They claim we have female privilege and men are oppressed so feminists should shut up. Then on the rare occasions when women are treating men the way men treat women, they can't handle it and whine about hypocrisy.

Why are you so sensitive?

I've never seen it but I remind people of Daria quite often. I think I'm more of a perv than her though.

I used to be a diver so I was around a lot of speedo clad divers and swimmers while going through puberty. It was a special time.

Also, swimmers

Have you read Quantum Gods by Victor Stenger? It's a great takedown of all the pseudoscience in the new age/positive thinking movements. I recommend it to anyone reading this thread.

My mom is in her early sixties and she doesn't try to dress like a teenager. She's stylish and classy. She buys clothes at H&M every once in awhile. I'm in my thirties and I shop there. There are some junior-ish things there but it's not a store exclusively for teenagers. They have basics and business casual wear

Why are you using a thirty-ish year old Cyndi Lauper song as an example of referring to women as girls being acceptable? Seriously? You used the word very condescendingly. Don't try to play innocent.

I didn't. I just criticized them. If they don't want my money, fine.

Wonder Woman is a great character but when she's the only major female character in the movie universe, she's a token.

Keep bending over backwards to defend a flawed status quo. It's a great look. s/

I think the only pets they like must be blow up dolls? Or maybe they have pet rocks with mini fedoras on them.

Exactly. It's misogynists that truly think ill of men. They're the ones who say men can't help but rape or harass women if they're drunk or wearing skimpy clothes. They're the ones who like all the evo psych bullshit that posits men are naturally violent and can't help but creep on under aged girls. They're the

Didn't you know? Valerie Solanas wrote the SCUM manifesto almost 50 years ago. That is proof that all feminists want to kill all men.

We better not show them the Onion story about the Abortionplex.

What I took away from your post is that proper punctuation and capitalization are misandry.

One of my two cats is male. Does that count? Misogynists always hate cats so I'm pretty sure cats are misandry. I don't think he counts.

I called my father to wish him happy father's day and it turns out he's sick. I bet my feminism did that to him. My misandry infects every man I come into contact with and it physically manifests. Soon the infection will get so bad it will kill every man I see and then Princeton mom's prophecy will come to pass.

So, because the story started out sexist that's how it has to stay?