
Yes! I don't have strong feelings about pits. I've personally never had a problem with one. But the people that get all riled up about them (both sides are just as bad IMO) should get #11 on this list…

I really hope you're just trolling and not serious. The holocaust was brought up earlier. Where did that happen? Civilized Europe. I'm not saying the US is so great but we certainly don't have the monopoly on assholes.

I don't think a scolding is a bad idea when it comes to this issues. When I was 4 I went to a daycare that was in the same building as a Jr. high. There an a student who was missing her arms and my friend and I were pointing and staring and exclaiming loudly about her lack of arms. The woman who ran the daycare

You took the words right out of my mouth. At fast food restaurants turnover is high and the wages/benefits suck. They're getting what they paid for. If a company is shitty to work for the employees aren't going to be loyal to the company and care about its reputation.

Now playing

Have to suggest Polica since they're from my city.

Why doesn't the Nickelodeon 2 channel ever air these? They ran Clarissa late at night for awhile but now they only air the animated shows from the 90s. People would watch Salute Your Shorts and Hey Dude reruns. I know they would. So many people still have the opening songs memorized.

I disagree that agnostics are more humble. In my experience a lot agnostics and spiritual but not religious people are smug about being neutral and above the fray. I don't think smug or not smug is really dependent on what a person's views on religion. Smugness is simply a bad personality trait present in some

I'm not super Christmas but I certainly to go to the family Christmas (and Easter) gatherings. Other than having to sit still for a minute for grace when I'm with my devout Catholic paternal grandmother there's nothing at all religious about of holiday gatherings. It would be awfully petulant and stupid to sit at

Yes. If atheists were really less moral than religious people, atheists would be over not under represented in prisons. Not that atheism makes you moral or anything. I suspect the cause is socioeconomic status. Poor people are more likely to go to prison and it seems like poor people are also more likely to be

Also, did you know that the moon landing is fake and ancient aliens built everything?

Yes, I saw that. The moon landing hoax one was ridiculous (but entertaining) but the others were really insightful.

Does it have to be sci-fi specifically or any genre movie? It's a lot of fun to rewatch The Shining after reading up on all the theories of its symbolism. You can watch it once just for the plot but it's necessary to watch it multiple times to fully appreciate it.

They never seem to have an answer for how the rape and incest exceptions can be determined quickly and efficiently either. Is there a rape panel? Is a police report sufficient? Won't it cause false rape accusations to increase?

I got into an argument on Gawker earlier because I dared to point that cultural misogyny is a problem here and not just the Middle East. It makes me so mad that people can only imagine it as a systemic issue when the country is populated by brown people.

Babies are so lazy. All they do is lie there sucking off both their mother's and the government's teat. They need to get jobs.

Will you marry me so I can get in? Or do you know someone who would marry me? I'm kind of slob but I'm sane, honest, fun to watch TV with because I make lots of snarky comments and both my cats are cute and sweet.

*beams back*

But you are here so you've kind of undermined your own snark.