
You missed my point. My point was that your outrage at the title is what you choice to make a post about. I saw no other post simply expressing unqualified outrage at violence against women.

I'm not sure I understand your point. Are you saying that if a man is ignorant it's the fault of women?

Nice strawman you got there. I wasn't telling male victims to be silent. Interesting how you only mention the male victims of female violence while erasing male victims of male violence though. It's almost like you care more about making women look bad than you care about helping men.

Yet you choose to express your outrage at the satirical headline because it is directed at men rather than expressing your outrage at the high prevalence of violence against women. You just tacked on an of course I care about violence against women as an afterthought.

Other wealthy industrialized countries have much lower gun homicide rates than we do. Are Americans inherently more evil than say, Germans or Australians? Or could it be that the prevalence of guns is the problem here? Those other countries have stricter gun control laws than we do. Don't forget there was another

Men don't kill women. Slutty women who won't marry kill women!

The Wa Po headline wasn't satire. It was serious. Satire is only satire if you don't believe actually believe what you are saying. Also, role reversal is a flawed analogy because men are the privileged gender. This headline in no way threatens the privileged status of men.

If men are truly well meaning wouldn't they prioritize ending violence against women over their own hurt fee-fees? You can't be an ally if you're defensive. Coddling defensive not all men types isn't really going to change their minds because every feminist has already explained extensively that we don't hate men

Some men understand the concept of satire. But judging by your comment #NotAllMen do.

And yet...

You seem to not comprehend the meaning of satire. Let me help you out.

It always cracks me up people use the "your satire is just going to add fuel to the MRA fire" argument. Misogynist trolls show up on just about every single post here. We make MRAs mad by existing. Self censorship isn't going to change anything.

I haven't read that one but I really like Dread (not the terrible movie version though) and The Life of Death.

I like to use this chart to justify my pizza and candy consumption. I'm just doing my part to cure autism!

Yes, liberals like science and one of the first rules when discussing this kind of research is that correlation is not causation. Are people poor because they aren't getting married or are people not getting married because they're poor? Privileged people have an easier time getting and staying married and have less

Rates of domestic violence have gone down by 64% since the passage of the VAWA in 1993 even though marriage rates have not been on the rise. The correlation causation distinction is vitally important and you just kind of glossed it over. As is pointed out above in Erin's post, wealthier people with more stable lives

As a member of team cat I would also like to submit a request that they add in Aiden Gillen with a kitten.

I hope you wrote "DEFECTIVE" on his face with a big permanent marker before sending him back.

Do short stories count? Crouch End by Stephen King scares the shit of me more than anything else he wrote. For those who haven't read it, it's about a couple who get lost on the way to visit a friend in the London suburbs and cross through some sort of dimensional tear into a very dark and terrifying parallel world.