
Can we tell them to please not go to Hobby Lobby since they're suing to avoid providing employees with contraceptive coverage?

This is the second time I've been able to use this lovely gif today!

I know a lot of attorneys love Darrow so I jumped to conclusions. Oh well.

It depends on what's trendy and what season it is I think. It is stupid that companies make and market clothing that is supposed to be business attire but goes against dress codes. I remember about 5 years ago business casual versions of Bermuda shorts were in style. My work banned them because the dress code says

Sorry, I hit cancel and I think it published a reply meant for someone else. But I'm not sure. Fucking Kinja!

Are you named after Clarence Darrow? Because he was known for wearing stained and rumpled clothes :)

Are you named after Clarence Darrow? Because he was known for wearing stained and rumpled clothes :)

Not to become part of the problem by doling out survivor privileges, but I humbly offer a basket for you and everyone else who needs one.

It's because he wants all the sympathy and care he imagines rape victims get but he wants it for rich white men problems like having to pay capital gains taxes.

People like George Will want to be able to take the victim label to gain sympathy, but they don't want to give up all the privileges that go with being an upper class white guy. I think that's why he's claiming rape victim status is a privilege. It gives aggrieved white men a way to appropriate social justice

A lot of rapes aren't reported or if they are reported aren't prosecuted. Most rapists have multiple victims so despite the fact that 1/6 women are rape victims, 1/6 men aren't rapists. Still, chances are we all know a couple of men who raped someone and got away with it. And there is no way to tell by looking at

I'm guessing he's raped a woman before and any crack down on rape puts him on the defensive. Non rapists don't constantly worry about being "falsely" confused and don't hate the idea of obtaining clear consent.

Bookmarked for deployment against racist and/or sexist trolls who use evopsych biotruth assfax to justify their bullshit.

But it's not like Sam found a fairy tale. It was a historical account. Obviously the Wall isn't a panacea. Magic isn't 100% effective in this story, but that doesn't mean the Wall isn't magic.

I agree that the NW hasn't been as engaging as some of the other storylines. Without getting too spoilery, I will say that I think people will be more pulled in next season as the NW plot finally collides with the politics of the realm. It will make it feel more connected to the rest of the story. At least it does

When Sam is researching the Others he comes across a book that says the magic in the Wall holds as long as the Wall stands and Night's Watch stays true. It's not a made up fan theory that there is magic in the Wall. How else do you explain the fact that wights and WWs can,t cross it?

Idk, a lot of men like to have it both ways. When discussing sports they boast of how much stronger and faster and therefore superior male athletes are, but when women discuss our fears of rape and harassment we get called man haters who are over reacting.

Beaches all the way. That is my go to tearjerker.

Let's hope. Can Nicholas Sparks' career die along with them?

I thought I was the only one who likes this! You can't fairly call it grilled cheese, but it's melty, greasy and delicious.