
It's just like Newt Gingrich. We're supposed to not care when people do harmful things as long as they repent later. Until I see hard evidence that they aren't assholes I'm not sold.

Weirdly, I had a dream that Selena Gomez died last night. I have absolutely no idea why I dreamed that. I don't have anything against her, but don't give her much that. Tangentially related to Bieber so I thought I'd share.

Don't worry. The evil gynocratic court system will bring him to financial ruin by forcing him to make child support payments on all those hundreds of babies.

Also, Jeremy Renner in a season one episode of Angel.

I was told to smile when I was talking on my phone to my mother about the fact that my grandfather had just died. They probably don't even care. They just want us to look like pretty objects for them. If any trolls are reading and think commanding someone to smile is harmless, stop to consider some people might

I'm a native Minneapolitan and have gotten tons of harassment. I guess you're lucky.

I took a pledge to never do drugs in 5th grade at school and tried pot smoking for the first time in 8th grade. No vows made pre-puberty can ever be kept. Good thing no one ever had me do an abstinence pledge in middle school or I'd have probably ended up a teen parent.

Secret identities get me every time. I love them. It's a big part of why I'm such a die hard ASOIAF fan.

Two year olds have tantrums when they don't get what they want, and in this case what he wanted were certain women.

If you don't like the hashtag or don't care about it, just ignore it. Why are you wasting your time posting angry comments?

Experiencing misogyny is worse than being mistaken for a misogynist. It isn't that difficult to understand. As a white person I feel a little sad when a POC says they have trouble trusting white people to not be racist. But guess what? My hurt fee-fees at being mistaken as a potential racist pale in comparison to

Surveying women about our experiences is pretty much all we have. You can't study harassment experimentally because people will adjust their behavior in the absence of experimenters. When many, many thousands of women all have very similar stories you should consider the sample size large enough to be believable.

I don't think dressing scantily is kowtowing to the patriarchy in and of itself. I've certainly done it, although not to that extent. But it also feels a bit off to me when people praise women as empowered for it. It still feels wrong to me to look at sexuality or feeling comfortable with your body equated with

Mine are evil!

She doesn't become an object simply by being scantily clad. A human is a human whether she is naked or in a biohazard suit. Objectification is something one imposes on another.

Agreed. I'm no pearl clutcher and if Rhianna wants to show her nipples on the red carpet, she is free to do so. It isn't going to get teen girls spontaneously pregnant. But I don't know if I would necessarily praise it as empowered. Last I checked, women being scantily clad while men are fully clothed is a pretty

Stupid kinja isn't let the images through. It's Remember Me by Christopher Pike and Betsy, Tacy, and Tib by Maud Hart-Lovelace