
I want Iwan Rheon as Larry if he can do a New York accent. He's in a band too so he can credibly play an upcoming rock star. Leto does look young for his age, but he's still too old. I think the character is supposed to be about 25.

He was perfect. I'd be happy to see him in it again even though by now he's way too old.

You're right. With great writers it can be done. But I'm nervous. The Stand is one of my favorite books and I'd hate to see it butchered.

I agree and I think John Waters has similar opinions on the subject of camp. The first Sharknado was really only good during a few select moments. Like the famous chainsaw bit. The rest was pretty boring. That said, I'll most likely watch the 2nd one anyway.

I'm not sure. It wouldn't be a surprise. I just know that lists of must read classics always seem to be comprised of things written by white men. I know men are more likely to be reviewed in literary journals than women, but I don't know if anyone has checked for racial bias.

I haven't those since I was a teenager, but I loved them! Is that bad?

Agreed. I like what's considered high end and low end and everything in between.

Are you seriously trying to explain to me how clothes work on my own body? Layering has fuck all to do with it. Big breasts stretch the fabric and pull it down. Unless it is a turtleneck, there will be cleavage. And turtlenecks tend to mold themselves to the body more than other kind of shirts so my breasts are

And I'm having a hard time continuing to scroll down because I'm enjoying this picture too much to tear my eyes away.

Cause only gay men watch True Blood *eyeroll*

I remember reading a study once that showed women check out men as much as men check out women* it's just that women are better at doing it without being too obvious and creepy. The notion that women (the ones who are attracted to men) don't like looking at attractive men is ridiculous.

I have 34G breasts and show some cleavage in everything but turtlenecks. I'm sick of being expected to apologize for the way my body is to judgmental assholes like you. I'm not going to wear a giant mu-mu everyday to hide the fact that I have big breast because there is nothing wrong or unprofessional or show-offy

I'm sure you don't mean any harm, but in a discussion about sexism it's poor form for a man to take devil's advocate positions. This piece describes why better than I could…The relevant passage:

I agree that the sept scene was awful and poorly done and that sometimes they handle violence against women clumsily. Still, GoT arguably has the highest number of interesting and well developed female characters on TV. Choosing to focus only on what they get wrong feels off to me. It's throwing out the baby with

It's too bad. I was looking forward to the scene because it was such a great WTF? moment in the books. I don't know if it was bad editing, bad directing or what but it's a shame the conservation was about rape and not hilarious but disturbing period sex in a mausoleum type environment.

There was so much more sexual violence in the books. Particularly during the King's Landing riot and at Harrenhal. I do think seeing the events at Craster's came off really badly in ways they didn't intend after the horrible sept scene. But yeah, to compare the show unfavorably to the books in this regard is

A lot of this new-agey type stuff misappropriates quantum physics. The people who write these sorts of books do not actually understand. I'm not claiming to fully understand quantum physics myself. I'm not a physicist. But you can't just say that magic and the positive thinking movement is real because quantum

It's nice here in MN if you can deal with the cold. At least the cold keeps away a lot of creepy crawlies.

How has it never occurred to me to seek John Waters gifs before? Good on you!