
And Hitler had mental issues. What's your point? Are you saying the main discussion of Nazism shouldn't be about anti-Semitism? That it's acceptable if people sweep the anti-Semitism under the rug because we need to talk about the fact that Hitler had some paranoid delusions and also persecuted communists and

Thanks for articulating this so well.

You think that it is OK to take the position that women aren't fully human and don't deserve rights because we get overwhelmed and angry sometimes about dealing with misogyny constantly? Your attitude is actually quite similar to Elliot Rodgers'. It boils down to "always be nice and accommodating or you'll be

The problem is they don't have nerdy woman characters who date a variety of guys. It took a few seasons to introduce any nerdy woman characters at all and they were only there as love interests for the male characters. They don't get their own arcs. That's why BBT is still the same old schlubby guy hot girl crap.

Ug. I meant "he doesn't have to know."

Or "doesn't have to know." I'm not married, but I know other women who had that happen.

Bingo. I've been there too. Yet somehow, it never occurred to me to murder or sympathize with a murderer! It doesn't occur to these guys that women are human. Therefore we aren't really capable of pain and suffering.

Thanks for exposing these assholes. On a feminist blog* I regularly comment in we've gotten an influx of trolls from PUAhate since the shooting. A couple have been banned after melting down and making threats. They all imply they sympathize with Rodgers even though they claim not to. These people are hateful and

With Paranormal Activity 4 the franchise just stopped making sense. If a whole middle class white family was slaughtered, in two different homes with the exception of Katie and the baby wouldn't it be a huge national news story? How is Katie able to be living in the next state over under her real name without even

I'm sick of people telling women they should be nice to guys being creepy or harassing in case he's a really nice guy who happens to be socially awkward or autistic. These guys who want us to show compassion for those that violate our boundaries, they never stop to think that a woman might be socially awkward,

If potential allies are scared off by #YesAllWomen they were never really potential allies. The number one job of an ally, the first thing you must learn is to listen without getting defensive. An "ally" who can't even do that does more harm to feminism than good.

It's totally misandry that we expect not to be harassed and rape. That's creep shaming!

Are you talking about me? I was merely pointing out that not all harassment victims are physically capable of fighting back. Also, sometimes fighting back can just get you more hurt. What if the attacker has a gun? What if he knows MMA? Sometimes fleeing or freezing is a better option. Of course women can take

If we aren't allowed to be angry when a man posts a misogynistic manifesto and goes on a killing spree and people react to it by saying misogyny isn't an issue, mental illness is, when are we allowed to be angry?

And if I buy into the just world fallacy nothing bad will ever happen to me!

I never got ungreyed in the version of kinja we had last year. Not here, not Gawker, not Io9. I'm not sure why because I'm not a troll and my comments often get plenty of recommends. I still would rather go back and have to be a grey again. The trolls are out of control now.

The comments here and on Gawker have been such a horrible frustrating mess that I've just been leaving comments and not even looking at my notifications. I can't deal with it.

Are you a psychiatrist? What gives you such authority to say you know for a fact he was psychotic when you clearly don't know what it means? People in the midst of psychotic breaks rarely commit violence. They are more likely to be a danger to themselves than others. When psychotic people do commit acts of

How dare someone advance the agenda that women are people!? That's just terrible!