
Exactly. Rodgers sounded like every other guy in the manosphere.

Wanting to fuck women =/= loving women.

Even if they didn't have enough evidence to put a psychiatric hold on him, isn't it a little telling that they thought he seemed like a nice young man who was just a little lonely? It's an entire society wide issue that misogyny isn't taken seriously and the police are a part of that. Lets not forget the long

It's very telling that you think the best reason not to catcall is that it doesn't get men laid. You express no concern for the boundaries or sense of safety of the women who get catcalled.

Not every woman is capable of learning MMA and kicking the asses of all harassers. Disabled and sick women get harassed too. Lets tell the harassers to respect women's boundaries rather than putting the onus on victims to react a certain way to it.

Street harassment happens everywhere. Moving to another city won't help.

Wait a minute. First you were arguing that not all men are violent entitled misogynists. Then, twenty minutes later you argue that men can't help harassing women because it's in their biology to do so? Make up your mind.

It isn't an isolated incident. The way Rodger's spoke is terrifyingly common. It's rare that a misogynist go on a killing spree, but they harass, rape, dox, stalk, catcall etc. every day. The notion that men are entitled to our bodies is so normalized that people are actually not even seeing the blatant misogyny in

His post consisted of "well the guy was a dick but..." then he went on and on about dumb this woman was. He absolutely meant it. He's just trying to backpedal because he expected lots of "lol fake geek girls amirite?" and instead he's getting his ass handed to him.

Isn't a comic book store a business and not a private club? What's dumb is turning away a paying customer.


That's the most baffling thing about misogynistic nerds. You'd think they'd be happy it's becoming more socially acceptable for women to be geeky so they have a greater chance of meeting someone who shares their interests. How much do you want to bet that the comic book store clerk has spent his entire life whining

If everyone else is reading something I have a hard time jumping on the bandwagon. I still haven't read the Harry Potter books although I mean to get around to it eventually. I'll never read the Da Vinci Code. If people who hardly ever read are into something, the contrarian in me has to take a pass.

Yes! I like Koontz's older books, but lately it's all libertarianism and gun fetishization. The final straw was in the first book of his Frankenstein retelling there was a serial killer who was driven to murder because his inability to believe in any god made him so miserable. Ick. No.

I hate poetry and songs too. A lot of pages get skipped in LOTR rereads.

First of all male entitlement and violence against women is not a problem exclusive to Islam and/or predominantly Islamic countries.

Oh for fuck's sake. Did you even read what you wrote before hitting publish? You are implying that if we aren't sufficiently nice to angry misogynists we should expect violent consequences. A couple of negative experiences with girls should in no way lead to genocidal rage.

That was your takeaway from my post? Disabled isn't an insult. It doesn't mean broken or defective. Lots of people with (formerly known as) Asperger's refer to it as such. It also trivializes the effects of autism on people who aren't on the extremely high functioning end of the spectrum. My brother isn't just

Other people in the community are allowed to be traumatized by this too. Stop being an asshole. She didn't say she had it worse than the victims.

A man goes on a misogynist rage fueled shooting spree and your takeaway is that men are the victims here? Fuck you.