
For every important location/storyline GRRM needs a POV character. He only needs one to tell the story. If there is only one POV in a location, that character is reasonably safe because POV characters don't (permanently) die in their own chapters. It's when two POV characters are together in the same place that we

I don't even know what to say to this except boo, you whore!

GRRM is evasive in interviews but he never outright lies. He's said that the end will be bittersweet. There's going to be positive ends for at least some of the characters.

I get that with Drew Barrymore all the time.

You do realize we prosecuted the Japanese for waterboarding Americans in WWII right? Suddenly it's OK when we do it?

I'm with you. People also don't realize that the military gives movie studios access to bases and equipment in exchange for a fawning portrayal of the military in the movie. Win-win. The studio saves money and audiences get propaganda for the military-industrial complex. It's really gross.

Sorry. You're going to have join us and become a mangina now.

I hope you're right. The cynic in me fears that many people will see this as boys will be boys though. Remember the CNN anchor who was concerned about the ruined lives of the Stuebenville rapists?

No. Sexual assault needs to be taken more seriously, not less. It's the non-violent drug offenders we need to stop imprisoning for long periods of time. I'm not advocating for a life sentence or the death penalty like the OP, but I'm not shedding any tears for these assholes getting held accountable for their crime

You said "demand that you be left be alone" like it was some bizarre thing to expect even though that's a constitutional right and theists expect the same. I never said that people have to agree with my choice to be irreligious (although discrimination against atheists does happen and when it does it isn't taken

Yeah, they all picture a porn where they're a pizza delivery boy getting macked on by a hot chick or two. If an MRA type got constantly harassed by women who were fat/over 25/short haired, there would be a melt down of indignation at the misandry they faced.

Is the season good? I just started watching on Netflix and am only on season 4.

I watched it, giggled through the whole thing while imbibing pinot noir and I'm not ashamed at all.

For anyone interested in horror, I recommend The Dark Descent. It's a huge book and it spans centuries. There are well known authors and less well known authors. There are supernatural stories, atmospheric stories, psychological horror and science fiction. There's a lot of variety. When I was teenager this

I always wonder about this too. I never answer numbers I don't recognize and neither do any of my heathen liberal friends.

How silly of us to expect the same 1st amendment rights that theists enjoy.

Despite the fact the constitution explicitly states there can be no religious test for holding office. I'm pretty sure many Americans think the 2nd amendment is the entire constitution.

None of those men are giving me clit tingles. They should be fired.

You missed the point. The point is these critics are misogynistic morons because they are evaluating her not by her performance, but by whether or not she gives them happy boner feels. Contrary to popular belief, no one wants to constantly hear about the state of every mans boner all day and it's not always