
No, no, no. Body fat didn't exist until 20th America. That picture is obviously photo shopped. Every single person used to be 4% body fat until Cheetos were invented.

In Starship Troopers, why do they put boots on the ground to fight the bugs? That entire planet is comprised entirely of enemies. There was no risk of civilian casualty. So why not nuke the shit out of the planet? Or use a biological weapon? They put all these highly trained soldiers at risk for no good reason I

This has to be one of the stupidest movie endings of all time. M Knight Shyamalan's thinking seems to be "who cares if it makes sense? Plot twists are everything!"

Apparently you didn't read the post I linked to you. There is research cited on that blog. When only 3/100 rapists spend time in jail, that is a large-scale country-wide systemic issue. Can you imagine if 1 out of 6 people were murdered and only 3% those cases ended with the murderer being jailed? How much worse

MRAs aren't for equal rights. They're a hate group. A group whose members say you should let a 4 year old girl drown because she might grow up to be a feminist, thinks sexual harassment is female privilege and defends the doxxing and harassment of women online does not deserve to be equated with a movement that

It can also be used when they trot out the claim that the courts favor women.

This is a harsh thing to say but, I'm guessing this judge has committed rape and can't sentence this guy (or any other rapist who isn't a stranger hiding in an alley) too harshly because it would mean admitting that he is a rapist too.

Now you're just talking crazy. s/

Now playing

Since everyone else has already explained all the ways they are self supporting, I have nothing more to add but this hilarious Rick Santorum endorsement.

Thank you! I hate that they've managed to create this myth that they're bootstrappers. That's how it is with white conservatives though. They can never be takers. No matter how much government they get, no matter how much they game the tax system. It's only "those people" that are the takers and moochers.

Also humans tend to be prone to back problems because our spines are a relic of the days before we evolved to become upright and have difficulty supporting our weight. Then there is the appendix which we don't need and sometimes get so infected they must be surgically removed. Why is God still making us with

Do you call women females while calling men men? If not, this isn't about you so there's no need to have the "not all men!" melt down.

What the fuck are you talking about? Three year olds know that adult humans are called men and women. Why would somebody not know the word women? Why are you bending over backwards to excuse sexist language? Like I've said several times, calling men men and women females is something misogynists do. It is how

Years of personal experience. That's how I know. Misogynist men always refer to men as men and women as females. Non misogynist men never do that. I'm not assuming innocent ignorance because the person I was responding to showed no signs of struggling with the English language.

Because it's a misogyny red flag when men call women "females." When men are men and women are females it hints that he views men as fully human and women as on the same level as hamsters or lemurs or whatever.

My old number either used to be the number of an airport cab service or is really close to it. I used to get calls at all hours of the day and night and my phone really blew up during the holidays. People would get annoyed with me for not being the taxi they expected and they expected me to be able to tell the

When I was visiting a friend in D.C. we were walking around Dupont circle and tourists stopped us to ask if we knew where a Cheesecake Factory was. It wasn't even that they were too lazy to find a good local restaurant so they popped into the nearest chain. They were specifically seeking one. WTF?