
I'm also going with both. Many people think cats don't form strong bonds with people but they do. It's just that they usually adopt one or two humans only and are a bit stand offish with other humans. There are some cats that never bond with a human but I find that most of them are very loving if you treat them

I swear my childhood cat sensed my moods really well. A lot of times he'd be in a different part of the house and I'd wish he'd come to me. A couple minutes later, he would. He never came when I called him because he had to protect his rep, but if I just silently wished for it, there he'd be. He eventually died

This seems like a good place to copy + paste my comment on the Gawker post.

Some assholes even think it's OK to let their unfriendly dogs roam free. My neighbors white German shepherd almost mauled me several times. He also barked at all hours. My dad had to eventually take him to court.

Now playing

In the immortal words of Bronn, there's no cure for being a cunt!

That was my thought too. It's common for photos of models to have their ribs shopped out too. We can't have it both ways. If super thin is the only acceptable body type, we need to take the boniness that goes with it. It boniness is considered unacceptable, hire models who aren't quite so thin.

I'm not entirely surprised it's Hmong in MN, but I thought it might be Somali. It wouldn't surprise me it does overtake Hmong as the third most spoken language soon.

I know a short guy who could be described as a player. He's good looking, smart, confidant and in a band. There are women who are only attracted to tall guys, but plenty don't care.

Nobody should be shamed for their genuine sexual preferences. But men (especially white men) have it drilled into their heads their whole lives that they're only supposed to want to date thin women. I don't think I'd qualify as fat. I don't have to shop in the plus sized section. But I am curvy and far from model

It's one of the trolls who thinks misogyny isn't real. He's here a lot.

I wonder if John Hamm has ever been kicked out of someplace.

I have big boobs too. When I was in college I worked at the Gap on my holiday break. The rule was that we had to wear an item of clothing from the store. I showed up wearing one of their shirts, the same shirt that other employees owned and was told it was inappropriate and not to wear it anymore.

It's very, very real.

No one is even talking about the Kim and Kanye nuptials anymore! Those poor Kardashians. I hope they can make it through this harrowing and dark time.

It's a only a matter of time...

I think the comment is referring to Jesus' carpentry skills. If he was an action figure he would be Fix It Jesus and would come with a little toy hammer and a saw. As in "I have an extra Fix It Jesus doll. I'll trade you for a Winemaker Jesus doll."

If my male cat is sleeping or loafing he doesn't mind if I shove my hand right into his belly, but if he rolls over and acts like he wants a belly rub, it means he wants to rip my hand off. Tricksy cat.

Cats would never do a false flag operation. They don't care if you see what bad things they do.

Wait. There are times when there aren't MRA trolls here?

Nice try but there was never a consensus on global cooling. It was a trendy theory a few decades. It's not remotely the same thing. But I'm sure your really intelligent random caps lock words will change many hearts and minds.