
Just holding them, petting them and letting them run up and down your arms. We did that in my behavioral psych class when we conditioned rats. I actually got a bit attached to mine. His name was Esteban, after the Cities of Gold character.

Yes! My jaw dropped to the damn floor. I'm going to rage if she makes it the final instead of Bianca, Adore or Kortney.

Agreed. The VFX laden fights were pretty fun. The characters weren't compelling though. There also weren't any good one liners you can quote along with the TV on the rewatch. That's essential for action movies IMO.

I used to listen in high school too. I remember one time he said that women with high pitched voices were all sexually abused. Wtf? It's my understanding that people with short larynxes have high voices and people with long larynxes have low voices. His "theory" was that sexual abuse leaves you in a state of

Why is an African queen automatically less important than a European queen though? There isn't time to get to everybody when teaching high school level history it's true, but why shouldn't what is taught be a representative sample of people from both sexes and all the continents (except Antarctica)? Just because

I knew who fought in WWII and for which side by the time I was eight years old. And I went to a K-8 school that was quite progressive and put in effort into including women and people of color in the history (as well as English) curriculum. It is not that hard to teach history from a perspective that isn't solely

But would Alicia consider the Night's King a kind mama?

I'm starting to think CH is really just a wight that Bloodraven has taken possession of.

I hate to say it because I'm a fan of GRRM, but nobody forced him to sell the rights to HBO and nobody forced him to write really slowly. HBO is a business. Do you really expect them to put their most popular show on hiatus (especially with True Blood and Boardwalk Empire wrapping up) so that GRRM can finish the

The magic that keeps the WW out holds as long as the Wall stands and the Night's Watch stays true. That's what Sam read when he was researching the Others and early NW history. I think this means that the Wall doesn't physically have to fall for the Others and wights to get into the realm.

That was my thinking too. Why some people think that last scene didn't reveal anything new is beyond me. I thought it was huge!

I love that Maisie Williams has similar thick eyebrows. They look like they're really brother and sister.

I think the Lords Declarant are playing him and Sansa (knowingly or not) will help take LF down.

That certain person's (former) name has been dropped a few times this season, including last night's episode. I think for sure it is happening.

Apparently, HBO changed it and it just says "a white walker" in the episode instead of Night's King. So now the question is, did HBO screw up and mistake a regular WW for the Night's King from the book lore, or did HBO screw up and reveal a spoiler about something that wasn't supposed to be revealed until later?

You are a more caring cat parent than I. I made my cat Dracarys watch last season's melting the slaver in Astapor scene. After all, it's her namesake. I was so hoping her ears would perk up when she heard her name, but in true kitty contrarian fashion, she had no reaction.

As I'm sure you've heard, countries with stricter gun laws and more liberal policies in general tend to have a much lower homicide rate than the US.… I'm not sure you're really winning the logic prize. There's no evidence at all that more guns = less crime. In fact, statistics

I like the saying "genetics loads the gun, environment pulls the trigger." It's definitely possible that various chemicals in our food/air/water/drugs can explain increases in autism diagnoses but there is a genetic factor too.

Ease up off the caps lock. Learn to spell. Stop blaming her for his racist comments. You don't quite sound sane.