
I've always wondered the same thing. There is absolutely no reason for a monotheistic (and maybe incorporeal?) god to have reproductive organs and sex hormones. There's no one else in the species to mate with! Also, if we were made in god's image, god is female. After all, we all start out female and embryos with a

I'm guessing something like this

Citation needed.

The petition is to the UN and other international organizations IIRC (I already signed it yesterday).

That's why I bike on the sidewalk even though it's illegal. Of course, if there are pedestrians I go out into the street. I'm not an asshole about it.

Have you ever gotten a genetic test done? You might not be 100% white. Just saying.

That's not true. Diseases mutate. That's why we can't allow enough unvaccinated people in the population to cause outbreaks. With every new measles outbreak the chances get higher that a new strain will emerge which vaccinated people don't have the antibodies to.

When there enough people not immunized, outbreaks occur. When outbreaks occur, a virus has the chance to mutate. The vaccinated people won't be protected against the new strain, the antibodies in our system aren't effective against the new strain.

Your children have a greater chance of dying or becoming seriously injured in a car accident than they have of being harmed or killed by a vaccine. Do you drive your kids anywhere? Measles and whooping cough are no joke and you are putting your kids at risk. You are also putting elderly people, babies too young to

These results are crap. I'm in Minneapolis and the Twin Cities are chock full of nerds.

I love my kitties, but I'm not sure I'd be able to tell if they were possessed. In fact, my tabby boy might already be. It would explain why he likes to stand in the corner, yowl at the wall and then try to climb it.

That's too bad. Paranormal Activity 3 pulled off the 80's so well.

I love my dad for loving apple martinis even though I don't like them. There's no trace of shame when he orders one in restaurant either.

I like a good beer as much as the next girl, but damn if anyone is going to shame me for my love of the raspberry truffle (Chambord, vodka, godiva liquor) and the mojito!

Grey Goose or Absolut pears vodka martini with a cherry is heaven. I prefer gin with soda and cucumbers.

I haven't read the book, but liked the movie a lot. I think Saroise Ronan is just such a good actor she keeps the teen speak from getting annoying.

I love Beaches. It used to magically come on TV every time I got sick so I would eat ice cream and weep to it.

I'm mad at it for taking the title of my favorite Christopher pike book.

I never thought I'd see Francine Pascal and GRRM in a sentence together but you nailed it. If I ever see a Lurlene McDaniels book in a thrift store, I'm totally buying it. For the nostalgia. I'm sure they're worse than I remember.

To all you butthurt guys who are whining about how we're so mean for being weary of men. This comment is why. Of course you aren't upset about a very real instance of misogyny, just a fictional instance of misandry.