
No. Bill would never! Neil on the other hand...

I don't see a lot of racism around me. That could have something to with the fact that I'm white. Just because I don't personally see racism in my day to day life doesn't mean it doesn't happen. It doesn't mean we don't have a racist culture. The statistics combined with what people of color share about their

This. Every time I've had a bad feeling about a guy, I've been right. I have no fucks to spare about the feelings of creepers. Socially inept isn't an excuse. I don't care one bit.

They can say EI is an illegal frat and anyone who joins them is expelled. As has been explained ad nauseam, schools have every right to make and enforce a code of conduct.

Got it. You're a troll who is trying really hard to find evidence of evil man hating feminazis where none exists. What I am saying is that our culture promotes the notion that real men are big jocks who get lots of pussy (by any means necessary) and pick on nerds and gay guys. This hurts both women and men. Are

I might be willing to bathe in miso soup. It's delicious!

That was my whole point. Did you even read my post? Alpha males aren't representative of men and boys, but they are toxic. Attacking alpha male culture isn't attacking men. You're making it sound like criticizing macho man culture is the same as being anti men and it isn't. That's what's making you sound like a

The kind of toxic masculinity that is associated with the "alpha male" needs to be vilified. That isn't the same as vilifying all men and boys because macho culture harms not just women, but men/boys who want to actually have and express feelings, are gay or present as gay, are physically small etc. "Traditional

Me too. I have a feeling Netflix is going to shove it down my throat until I break down it watch though. I must try and resist because I kind of hated the first season.

I mix him up with Billy Joel, so I am "Weirwoodtreehugger, sometime mixer upper of John Mellencamp and Billy Joel." Damn. That's a long name.

Now that I think of it, the only kind of movie I usually pay to see in theaters is horror. Horror is the only genre besides romance/rom com that consistently stars female characters. It's weird that horror has become in some ways the most progressive genre considering how misogynistic it was in the 80's. Hopefully

It's seriously hilarious that you can't admit you're a rape apologist. You really need therapy.

The FBI, for all their flaws is more trustworthy than an internet troll.

Only about 5% of allegations are false. If you typically empathize with the rapist, you are a rape apologist and misogynist. You wouldn't constantly troll Jezebel otherwise. It's not shocking that you are too cowardly to own up it.

Can you name me one time where you believed the victim? Every time you come on this site it's to make misogynistic remarks. Just save some time and admit up front that you are pro-rape.

You insinuate she might be lying in the thread right beneath this one. Stop playing innocent. You're not fooling anyone. We know you're a victim blaming asshole.

There was enough evidence to suspend him in the first place. Tell us the truth, you're a rapist aren't you? I can't imagine any other reason why a person would be so invested in defending rapists. I hope your next victim pours gasoline on your dick and sets it on fire.

Most rapists rape multiple victims. Also, fuck you for trivializing the trauma rape victims go through by calling it "hurt feelings."

When women report shitstains like you flood the internet calling them liars, whores, stupid etc.

It's Ok. Solidarity. I read RS too. It makes hate watching so much more fun. I doubt they edit him out too. I think on the premiere episode they'll have a little tribute to him beforehand.