
I'm just glad I wasn't the only one thinking it was a conspiracy. Of course, now I've just admitted that I watched the show.

Yeah, anyone with three nannies doesn't qualify as poor.

Beat me to it.

Alessa from Silent Hill.

It's pop music. Pop music was always vapid and dumb. If you want art, generally you have to look outside the top forty.

I guess this guy has never heard of black widow spiders.

I blame being exposed to Ross Geller at an impressionable age.

Yes. This! There are lots of Christians who aren't anti-science (or sexist and homophobic). But they don't organize and they don't try to take back the conversation. The crazy fundies are very organized and very vocal. If progressive Christians don't pushback with their own activism, they have no one but

The Catholic church does not deny evolution, big bang theory etc. However, they do have their own made up definition of pregnancy. Science says pregnancy occurs at implantation, Catholicism says it begins at fertilization. They use this made up definition to try and prevent women from accessing birth control. Lets

If restaurants can fire servers for mocking customers on Facebook, the MLB can certainly fire a known rapist. He's making their business look bad.

Whatever, I'm not mad. More Cadbury Crème Eggs for me!

I agree. I wish beauty standards, for both sexes weren't so rigid. Not everyone has the same tastes. I'm just not into super ripped guys. That's fine if others are, but it's not for me. Just as not every man is into skinny women with big fake boobs.

Where were men when we were complaining about being objectified? The vast majority didn't care. I don't want men to be treated as sex/beauty objects anymore than I want that for women. But don't expect women to pity men for experiencing the same shit they always put us through.

I'd prefer if neither men or women were objectified and I'd like less rigid beauty standards. That being said, I've not heard a whole lot of sympathy from men when women starve themselves and get dangerous plastic surgery to live up to these ideals. It's always been dismissed as women being vain. Now men are

Taking into account the way women have been excluded from science and technology, it isn't a surprise that there are more famous white men who've invented things. That doesn't mean women are less capable. It also doesn't mean that you get to take credit for anything that a man has accomplished simply because you

Makes sense. I think female elephants take turn watching the babies while the other female elephants go out and get food.

You are really fucking ignorant