
So what? Gawker isn't a science journal. I'm not even saying it's impossible that at least some women are turned on by nice cars - although I couldn't give two shits about them. I'm just saying a stupid viral video can't be used to generalize all women.

My mom and her sister both started greying their twenties. I'm almost 34 and have been dying my hair my hair since my teens. I don't know if I'm greying yet. I probably am. I don't want to know.

How do I know there wasn't 10 women who were unimpressed with the car for every 1 woman who was impressed? How do I know they aren't editing it to look like all the ladies love the cars. This isn't a scientific study published in a peer reviewed journal. It's a fucking Youtube video.

Yeah, proven liars get no benefit of the doubt. She's going to have to release medical records pertaining to the miscarriage to get people to believe her.

"including blitzars — overweight neutron stars that are resisting the urge to turn into a black hole on account of their rapid rotation."

My thoughts exactly.

First of all, don't project your own hatred onto all men. Second of all, why do you and your "bros" talk that when "ladies" aren't around? What it is it about hate speech that you think is fun?

Rape victims are innocent. That's a false equivalency. And no, journalists don't have an obligation to keep information they've obtained secret. I never see any concern for all the subjects of the stupid criminal type. I only ever see concern for the privacy of men who are rapists. Why is that?

The first amendment includes freedom of the press. Journalists/media outlets can print any info they obtain legally. It's not innocent until proven guilty like the courts.

He looks like the kind of guy who would murder his for the insurance money and marry his younger mistress. It's only a matter of time before he ends up the subject of an Investigation Discovery show.

I'm so sorry rape is becoming less socially acceptable. That must be very hard for you.

Journalists/the media are allowed to print pretty much information they are given. It's why it took a rape charge to get Julian Assange into custody.

Innocent women get doxxed all the time. Fuck these guys. They deserve anything that comes to them.

I have a calico. I think she'd be pleased that she's a genetic mystery.

Who wants to see the old white male oligarchs answering softball questions week after week? Replace him with Melissa Harris-Perry and let her pick the guests.

You can also get a quick abortion at the mall. The Onion said so!!!

Edit: Fucking Kinja! If the picture isn't showing up it's Frank from Donnie Darko

As a non church goer, I have no dog in this fight. However, I must use this thread as a platform to say that I hate it when people wear super casual clothes in nice restaurants. What's the point in going to a nice restaurant if you're not going to look the part? It ruins the atmosphere. If you want to eat dinner