
Don't encourage him!

A great show that spawned one of the best gifs of all time

I'd say Dean Koontz is the worst. He gives all his characters the same golden retriever and the same love of guns.

It's only a matter of time before someone decides Chelsea's bump looks funny so it must be a fake pregnancy. They've got a surrogate chained up in the dungeon beneath the Clinton presidential library I'm sure.

How is she going to find the time to buy a hallmark birthday card and put a single dollar bill inside?

I'm not surprised either. Anyone who can afford the stuff she peddles can afford stylists and interior designers of their own and don't need a lifestyle blog. She would have been better off selling knock offs of fancy things to the common folk.

Oh, the "mixed signals" argument. Never heard that before :/

It'll be interesting to see what the do from here with the Jaime and Cersei characters and how non book reader audiences respond.

If a person does not consent it is rape. End of story. Please keep that in mind whenever you're alone with a woman.

Rape isn't a loaded topic because it's the worst crime. It's a loaded topic because rape victims are so frequently blamed for their rape, or the rape isn't viewed as a rape at all. There isn't a whole culture of victim blaming around murder.

That first man sounds stuck in Victorian times. From everything I've heard, obgyns say working out is not bad for the baby and can in fact be good. Unless of course it's a high risk pregnancy requiring bed rest. What a mansplaining idiot.

It depends on the cat. What I find to be foolproof is not picking the cat, but letting the cat pick you. If a cat seems to take to you and want to go with you, that's the cat that's going to be a good fit. They are the overlords and they know which humans they want serving them.

One time I hurt my back and it caused my knee to go completely numb. I was terrified that I had some sort of neurological disorder like MS, but it turned out it was just swollen muscles cutting off a nerve.

Happy birthday! I'm turning 34 next month so I can relate! Sometimes I feel like a 21 year old but my body isn't quite as resilient as it once was.

In Paris, go to the Picasso museum. It's a bit off the beaten track, but it's great. Street vendors have quiches with tuna in them that are amazing. I can't even remember what they're called but I've never seen it in the US.

Been there, done that in Minneapolis almost 10 years ago. Keep up DC!

I always thought Liz was the bigger asshole. She's acts so insufferable goody goody, but she's just as rude, selfish and judgmental as Jessica. At least Jessica is up front about who she is!

Oh look. A man is mansplaining a word he doesn't understand! Never saw that before :/

And surgeons. Surgery is very delicate and precise. Yet, from what I've read, female surgeons and aspiring surgeons get a whole lot of shit from sexist male surgeons who think women aren't capable of it.