
That's the whole point genius. It's drawing attention to a double standard about the way our culture views bodies. It's absurd for a man to a dress in a way that highlights his genitalia. It's simply not done. Yet it's completely normal for women to be drawn this way. BTW, women do dress in outfits that show off

"To that end, yeah, I do find it a bit distasteful to cry sexism about a comic book character's (kind of) revealing outfit. I know why you did it, and I'm not saying it isn't a stupid outfit, but it's not sexist."

Are you fucking kidding with this? Stop being dismissive of sexism others experience. I too am large breasted and have been treated like I'm slutty looking while wearing clothes that aren't too revealing. I've had a lot of creepers come up to me on the street and make lewd comments. It's also no picnic being

What's a hand basked? Why did you capitalize "she" and "gays?" Why are fundamentalists always such terrible writers? Or is this a satire post? I can't even tell the difference anymore.

Yes. This! As far as I'm concerned, the burden of proof is on theists to show evidence that there is a god/s. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. It isn't dogmatic to disbelieve a claim that is unsupported by any good evidence. It's common sense.

My Germanic grandfather was a WWII vet (for our side) and was very proud of it. I don't know anyone of German descent who had Nazi sympathizers in the family. That's sort of an unfair assumption.

Why. Because you're too stupid to get your information straight? I would've let that go if you didn't start it by insulting a huge swath of people for no reason. I've got no problem being an asshole to someone who is an asshole to me first. If you don't want people to be "the worst" you should be a little nicer.

You're complaining about spoilers in the comment section of an article about spoilers? Seriously?

As a book reader the purple wedding was tense too. The adaptation is slightly different than the books so I didn't know precisely when it was coming and there were a few fake outs. A lot of other readers felt the same way.

I read Bachelor/ette spoilers. It only makes watching and mocking more fun because the cast member who is about to be eliminated will inevitably go on and on about the lead is "the one."

Oh, fuck off. How does reading make you a bad person? I read the books because I loved season 1 of the show. I don't spoil unsullied viewers. I don't have a condescending view of them either. I will be smug for one minute and point out that the book series is called A Song of Ice and Fire. If you're going to act

Actually Clinton has had much higher favorable ratings than unfavorable in recent years.

My grandmother was skilled at investing in the stock market and had a paid off mortgage and 10 of thousands in her checking account at any given time. Yet, every time we spoke during her last years she would always bitch about the cost of groceries. She was obsessed.

This is probably an accurate representation of a Kirstin Dunst presidency.

You're making a noble effort, but this person is clearly just a straight up racist and not just ignorant and privilege blind.

Christians are so oppressed in America we can't say the word sheep anymore! Just so you know, you're arguing with someone who got offended yesterday at a comment who said she found super long hair gross because some Sikh women aren't allowed to cut their hair. Some people really like being offended all the time.

I have no idea if my devoutly catholic grandmother knows I'm an atheist. She knows I don't go to church and am not religious. But I'm not sure if she knows how irreligious I really am. She wouldn't hate me for it or anything, but she'd probably be sad. Since she's 88 years old I figure what she doesn't know won't

Or not spending tons of time in tanning booths so your skin doesn't get so wrinkled in the first place.

Faces made entirely of artificial parts just look so gross. It's getting into uncanny valley. I hate that cosmetic surgery to this extent has become so normalized.