Weird Magnetic Ray


They don't need to make it anymore. The entire supply is now just handed down from generation to generation.

If they can terrify the heartless animals at JoAnn Fabrics, good on them.

Even The Rugrats would be an improvement. This joint ain't never had no editor.

Corpus Lostus?

My grams told me Ray hated Olivia so she's going down.

Well, I may not know no California Statues, but I can quote my Bible sculpture, capture and nurse.

This was my Mom. She'd keep right on. It always ended with someone passing away. Even if it was the person-I-never-met's plumber.


Close tie with Krazy Kat.

Hell yes. I was just ranting about Walt Kelly to an uniformed comic nerd on Monday.

Mister him, Greene

What if the portrayed version of John Wayne walked up to John Ford and said he fucked Olivia De Havilland and she was a dead fish?

I'm thinking that timeline may be this one but we're still in the early stretch.

Dug posted this on the BTS Facebook page today.

Is this season 4 of Fargo?

And a Nazi steals his boots. Frickin nazis.

Not only rise from humble origins but stay an amazing guy.

She told Nymeria that she was going North. She may have now changed her mind.

Elephants are made of honey badgers. And honey badgers are also made of honey badgers because honey badgers dontgiveafuck.