Weird Magnetic Ray


He was fine until Bert started dating Big Bird.

I once saw Cale perform in my tiny hometown punk bar. My then girlfriend and I literally rested our hands on his CP-70 piano while he played. He was magnificent and gracious.

No excuse. The acceptable out was a Applebee's bar. Any othe bar would be an even better choice but even shitty margaritas from Applebee's is better than a LTCG movie, and I guarantee there was one within sight.

From homeless guy's pants!

Just in case Kinja does take over, I'll still see you in the After Dark threads, but I want to tell so many of you how much I've enjoyed my years here with you.

WHAAATT? Who would actually read this shit unless they were looking for material for our little comedy act?

Naturally annoying.

I'm sure he shaves/waxes/colors himself into some horrible fire/flame motif.

May I remind everyone to tweet the AV Cub account and tell them that Kinja=bye bye?

An according to the update, this was a stolen face.

I remember him being in Carson. He told Johnny that he'd figured out what he'd done wrong and God had forgiven him. And that he wouldn't be struck again.

Holler And Clap! The secret to chart success!

Not good at criticism, good at bloviating.

Rick and Morty murdered their counterparts and buried them, then disinterred them.

Which places you in the exact same place you place the reviewer.

So what? See my above comment. No one said it's a comedy. It's a show, it's funny sometimes and sometimes it's not. But some of us like it. If you don't it's not going to change. I'm still going to watch it until I don't like it. Harmon and Roiland are still going to make it until they can't or don't want too.

But who said it's a comedy? It's an Adult Swim cartoon. That doesn't mean it's a comedy.

The entire point of the show is that life is meaningless.

Stop reading Reddit and you'll be a better human.