
Hah! I studied it in Torts too! The Prof led off with it (in the nineties). Kind of like everything you were wrong about sort of lecture.....

I’m not sure I’d rather have third degree burns than rape, but I sincerely fucking hope that’s not a choice I ever have to make!

She actually lost most of her vajayjay. (Well, labia if I’m going to be more correct) the amount she was awarded was not what she was asking for, it reflected PUNATIVE damages.

Can I throw something out there? Without getting totally killed. Probably not. Going to do it anyway. Hate on me as you will.

So you think she is a liar? I'm just asking that legit. I don't know a whole lot about these accusations. I only know what I've read here and the video I did, in fact, watch - is there a lot of talk or evidence that she is a liar?

This makes me so incredibly sad. So freaking sad.

Jesus Christ, I officially hate Jezebel now.

That was one of the happiest things I have watched in a long time.

I know this is a little bit off point, but I read her article about her Title IX inquisition and damn! She sounded all victimy just like the people she was complaining about.

Jesus. I hate this article on so many levels.

My boyfriend and I had been together for about three years. We had a rough patch and had broken up. But then his life really started to go to shit, he realized he needed me, and we got back together.

Meh. Jerry Sandusky never gave them a chance to say no. Totally different thing. What? You think those Penn State kids are stupid or something? ;)