
The three gallons of jizz they pumped out of his stomach? HIS OWN!

Just do what I did and stand on your head.

Until the robots revolt.

I'm already Amazin.' Or so my dog tells me.

Yeah, that's Bolshet.

I have a secret, if stupid, theory that Theon jumped because he knew that if he attacked Euron, Yara would die anyway, and that he's saving himself to do something heroic down the line. Probably not, but guy needs some redemption after what he did to the Starks and Ramsay did to him.

I'm Photoshop illiterate. Could somebody please put together a picture of Donald J. with a poop emoji for hair? Please?

Points. Heh.

*Animal Collective starts to tremble with fear*

No, I think they're good parents for not taking the kids. Social Services, though, should just stand outside the theater and take away every kid that emerges with a parent.

The Donald will always be number two to me!

Edgy, man, and a little dangerous.

Well, this was the most predictable bad movie review ever.

Wow, I didn't know you could smoke cigars in the Louvre. Plus all that nasty smoke explains why it was empty.

Pay close attention to Episode 3. I think you will see someone familiar in it.

"Twitter dump" is probably literal. You can tell by the content/number of his tweets in the morning when he had spicy food the night before.


Getting a "win." Undoing the legacy of an illegitimate Kenyan president. Not caring about the what the bill will do to anyone other than rich white people. Tax cut for the rich. Clearing the way for an even bigger tax cut for the rich. Appeasing their master, Satan.

It was especially in vogue at costume balls, where attendees would where grotesque yellow masks depicting a mythical "male appendages" creature, and perform the pagan dance under the protection of anonymity.

Yeah, I think I'll skip 'er as well.