
Wuthering Heights of Stupidity

Went in face first, blindly fumbled around for a bit, and came out drenched yet happy.

He should savor the flavor, because the only audible he’ll be calling in the regular season is a change from Gurley to the left to Gurley to the right.

Another overhyped talent that will never live up to his potential.

Actually, sharks are cartilaginous, not boned.

Bumgarner plus a good catcher, good outfielder and two excellent infielders could absolutely beat the Braves.

Step 1: Graduate

If you don’t take the robe off they can’t make you leave.

This is a reasonable and correct take and has no place in Kinja.

That was the wurst...

So there is a reason for Pac12 network to exist!

I have made my peace that most professional athletes and all collegiate players are younger than me. But I thought I had a good fucking decade before I was older than their boss.

The Warriors won with depth, as they always do. They plug in fresh bodies (see Ezili, Brandon Rush, Mo Speights, The Brailian Blur, et al) throughout the game. When the fourth quarter comes along, only one team has the steam left to make a run. Their MO all season; one of a very few teams to use it successfully in

I know how he feels. Smoking pot is likely what has kept me from getting drafted the past 5 years

NYE 1999 belonged to him.

“Honestly, I thought it was foul, but once I grabbed it I knew it right away. Nobody wants to be that guy. I leaned down to my fiancée and just said, ‘Honey, I love you, and I’m sorry but we’re getting kicked out now.’”

Some asshole stole Bartolo Colon’s belt and is showing it off in the background.

“Unclear if that total included this girl, who has an awful lot of blood on her hand.”

Well, at least the posts are about sports now.