

We’ll see if Kershaw is a true Dodger once the media starts questioning him about this issue.

I have to call you out on the Smirnoff diss. After reading a blind taste test study by the NYT a few years ago, in which leading vodka experts sampled all of the major vodkas, the consensus winner was Smirnoff. I ask for it by name now, and frequently get snooty looks when doing so.

Serious question

Why is it that when this guy says he wants to play for the Browns it’s called inspirational, but when someone on the team says they want to play for the Browns it’s called Stockholm Syndrome?

“I said you could use my resume as a template, not make a crazy sign on the back of it.”

If it was indeed a homicide bomber, I would revel in his death, although it would be a way too easy demise. The only better outcome would be if it had gone off before it left their bomb factory!!

I think you mean “By the C” amirite?

(Usually when a Green has to be restrained and hospitalized in Miami, it’s because of a stampede at the 4:30 PM Early Bird kosher buffet)

Her own version of the events is poking holes in the story she posted on Tumblr. She and a friend were in a fight with a couple, she maced them, and then got indignant when the bar they happened to be in front of wanted nothing to do with their noise? It seems like she has a massive chip on her shoulder, what with

From the looks of things, Rosen still needs some work figuring out a way through the “Cover 2” defense.

Time to change their name to the San Francisco Third and Niners.

After hitting the haple77 7ideline guy in the head, Kaepernick offered a meager “I tried to warn ya’ll the 7torm was coming and you just said I was being in7en7itive.”

“What they didn’t understand is what was coming out of her mouth was fucking amazing, bro,” he says. “Like, I was thinking on a totally different level than they were.”

You ever see a movie so bad that you question the actor’s finances?

Especially when Duane Kuiper parades around the Giants’ 3 rings in front of him and his brother Glen in the offseason, and he has to deal with a not insubstantial amount of guys in muscle tees trying to give him GM advice every time he wants his Venti non fat latte with two sweet’n lows. I bet he asks for a glass of

Ohh yea, of course they were doing it in Brooklyn before it was cool.

Seriously though, who brings a baby to a game?

Rangers choked in the next inning anyways so it’s all moot.