
I can’t really blame him, as I also got tired of coming in Stockings after my teenage years.

Every time I found myself cheering on the Cubs, TBS would cut to some hellhole Chicago bar full of asshole fans, and I’d be like “Oh yeah, that’s why I root against this team.”

And just like Tits McGee, this dumb fuck is on vacation.

I bet CC Sabathia was even more upset he missed the game when he heard that the stadium was full of boos.

This is worse than those Amazon “Deal of the Day” posts.

Pretty sure Bin Laden destroyed baseball by introducing “God Bless America” into the 7th inning stretch.

It’s the team’s fault for scheduling mandatory workouts after the regular season is over. That’s when Mets players go golfing.

I would hope the officials who get paid to enforce the rules would make the correct decision on the biggest play of the game.

This is the face of a man who can’t figure out how a paperweight works.

That first rock chip is going to make you hate your life.

Jean Shorts Andrew Collins.

“Hi, I’m Andrew Collins, and I have DirecTV.”

This is sad, but diet frosted lemonade? If you're going to be put to death...shouldn't you just be like, fuck it, I'll just have the calories?

‘You’ll find out in 100 years.’ Instead, it was 50. I know he left a message for us five kids.”

That is like Flacco-level eliteness there.

Spoken like a true a southie.

The same people who don’t let you merge in front of them on the freeway.

From the bay. Hate these hats. It’s like saying you like pie AND cake. No, you can only pick one, motherfucker.