
I think this is fine. It's a little immature, but it's for teenagers, so it's right up their alley. And this is far better than telling them abstinence is the best option and nothing else. You can't stop teenage horndogs from doin the monster mash, so the next best is to have them do it safely.

You say "rats out" like it was a bad thing he did...

FUCK. After Halo3 Legendary I vowed. Never again. But now devs are really actually making the special editions worth their while... First Bioshock 2 now Alan Wake.. Augh. Hopefully I get a co-op so $80 ain't a big deal.

@DocSeuss: Not all hack screens have blue. :[

@Slinkytech: The scrotum toy was rather prominent in Running With Scissors other game Postal 2.

Hope for the best for EA. They said they were going to focus on good games. And they have, for sure. They've stuck with it and soon will, hopefully, be reaping the rewards of being original.

@mruler360: Hell yes. Is legion a dude or dudette? Do I need to make a lady sheppard for some hot computerized action? This is important.

Does this mean you can bone legion? Or was the spoiler just legions existence.

That ad was sweet, but "Hell Awaits" is much better anywho. Go To Hell is just TRYING to be controversial.

Saw it coming. Especially after the remark about the poor timing of the DLC and disappointing sales from R*.

It's spelt Hoooonk!

@emag: I realize that, but if you want Mass Effect 2 any time near when it comes out, or a means to browse used games with ease it'd have to be at Gamestop. Sure, things like goozex exist but there's usually significant wait for newer games.

I make slimp pickens an hour, and get few hours a week... but I never buy used. I like the games I buy and want them to make more. Sales translate to more games that I like. If I buy used, I save $5 but I may miss out on a new Dragon Age or what not. $5 is not nearly enough to buy used and get a scuffed disk, and a

Bonus stuff, but not ingame items. Stuff like NXE theme, or avatar gear. But NOT ingame stuff like special armour. Hate to have someone miss out on stuff 'cause they're on a budget. Another interesting thing could be a can of "Peng!"

@THEMISSING: That's not very nice. I, also, was only posting a statement.

Hope the original mode is included too. Classic and best :)

@THEMISSING: You shouldn't look at it as your games are worth less than they were before. Instead you should look at it that more people can enjoy those games now.

The boy nearly saw a penis, CALL THE FUCKING LOCAL NEWS TEAM!

I've supported Sony more than ever this year.

@dibbitydan: How will they be able to craftily piece to gether a picture for the cover of Life & Style magazine where he's supposedly divorcing his wife!