How many fucking pictures do they need? Jeeze louise... non stop nothing but pictures snapping. He's just talking you don't need 12435704378 pictures of that
How many fucking pictures do they need? Jeeze louise... non stop nothing but pictures snapping. He's just talking you don't need 12435704378 pictures of that
I wonder if the employee was shot when the robber was offered a pre-order for God of war 3 or a GameInformer subscription...
@Aklost: I'm more baffled about the part where it says pikachu collects "tricks" in magic balls. The trainer collects the pokemon :s.
@mindf1ow: It wasn't short... just short for an RPG. It took me ~20 hours. Which isn't short for most games, but considering the lore/backstory this game sets up... it seemed short and sudden when the ending came along.
@ara: Well. Did you choose to save the council or not? That's kinda a big one. I don't understand your complaint. :S
@Deto: I didn't do all the side quests, but I did more than a few. Maybe I'm missing a ton of content somewhere :S
@orijimi: Well, it's a role playing game.
Perfect timing!
Read that as David Jaffe prevents PS3 Owners from Playing Dragon Age Soundtrack....
I dig it. It's nice for GameStop to share the wealth with sick kids around the world.
# Vinyl 180g LP featuring the orchestral score from the original BioShock
@Barman1942: Not down the drain. It was more than made back by now. And the campaign was hardly mediocre. Sure, it was short but not mediocre. Full of excitement, a dumb (but enjoyable) plot. Twists. Turns. Varried settings and new little things to keep it fresh.
Where is Demon's Souls? #npd
@UCB-Disco: I wa$n't $erious by putting a $ in Activi$ion. I was just poking fun at idiots who think they're clever by replacing S's in companies names with $... when really all companies are just in it for the money.
Oh man. PLEASE don't be Deadspace 2 that was cut. ;_; #ea
@Friedhamster: He screams for Ice Cream #callofdutymodernwarfare2
What's Actvi$ion (hurr am i funny yet!?!) going to do? Boycott Gamestop. Hah! #callofdutymodernwarfare2
I was tempted to do this while playing Scribblenauts. The controls are so bad I had to stop playing.
Really? The system that is graphically weaker, lacking major storage, and has no real online interface compared to the Ps3/360 can't deliver the same experience?