
I bet the crunch of stepping on one of those would be most satisfying

Welp, absolutely no one involved in this... contretemps is coming out of it with any dignity.

pretty sure that the White House is a gun-free zone. By the NRA’s logic, that must make it one of the most dangerous places in America

One of the beautiful things about non-cloned animals and humans is that we stretch ourselves to love different personalities, different quirks, and different ways of being. This is how we evolve.

Ice Cold Take: Cats is so fucking awful. It’s the only play I’ve ever paid money to see that I’ve walked out of. I enjoy musicals and am generally easy to please, but there is no actor who could make it watchable for me.

Now playing

Okay, how about this choice: Delay? Or Dirty Underwear Drying?

Oh thanks. All told, it’s a minor complication, but every time they power wash the outside of my building and I realize it’s not actually brown but rather yellow, all I can think about is how much crap I’m breathing in on a daily basis. I’ve gotten used to the linger cough that accompanies every common cold, but I’m

No lie, I have gotten the absolute worst respiratory infections since I moved to WV. This was never a problem I had before, when I lived in a state with clean air and water thanks to environmental protection, but I moved to Coal Dust Central and all of the sudden my average winter cold has become a 3-4 month ordeal

Women don’t owe you shit.

That is the strongest statement that I have EVER seen a business put out, especially considering they are a sporting goods store which ties directly into the outdoors culture. This made me tear up. I’m sure they’ve run the numbers and realized just how devastating this statement could be, but they did it anyway. What

Thanks for weighing in, Eliza.

Hey did anybody see how the Lardass in Chief was saying he would totally run into a school that was being shot up? Bwahahahahaha!

this is why the scotch is always behind glass. for the women.

Seriously though, it seems even more telling that Dunham characterized his lines as a “massive insult of white women” rather than a fairly tame insult towards her character/show (and clueless hipsters like her) specifically.

johnnie walker could’ve just as easily made donation’s to women’s organizations without creating a stupid bottle. with everything happening in this country, THAT would’ve boosted their sales more than this bullshit.

I hope the victims (the boyfriend and the police) recover well and the boyfriend gets whatever help he may need to escape this abusive situation. If it’s mutual abuse I hope they all get help, but I wouldn’t assume mutual abuse if a man beat a woman so I won’t assume it here either.


That’s not enigmatic. That’s... extremely, Southern polite.

Yep. Sesame Street was a great watch.

Isn’t enraging that being a feminist means getting disparaged as a man-hater when the things that men do unquestionably warrant being loathed? Fuck.