
Oh, you poor thing. Fourteen days is a long time for it to linger without getting better. Is it possible to see a doctor?

You might have pneumonia.

In ‘Grief is weird, it’s been a month’:

Well this week has been a shit sandwich for everyone around me and for me to a lesser extent. My car broke down, my dad checked himself into a mental institution, my neighbor died after a brief battle with cancer, a good friend/coworker got laid off from her job, and now my dog is either mysteriously injured or going

How is this right-wing conservative definition of “feminism” different from the “feminism” of evangelical women in Margaret Atwood’s Gilead (Handmaid’s Tale)? Why are we (actual feminists, if “feminism” means “social justice”) putting up with this appropriation of the term? Building an inclusive movement is one thing.

Sympathy and empathy for another woman is a healthy human response. I understand it completely. It’s entirely likely that they were raised by their own mothers to hold their beliefs, and were never given cause to question these beliefs. But that’s part of the problem, too. They’re emotionally and intellectually lazy.

This is where I struggle. I want for Conservative women to realize that the Republican party does. not. like. them. and it will never treat them better. And I want to leave an opening for them to see another way of life women are equal, but I’m not going to welcome them while they try to weasel in their backwards and

Because now is the time.

so how would calling Ivanka any of those things even fit into his worldview? Can there be two bestest and smartestest people?

Needless to say, thank fucking God all he did was post that image.

I read it as actually being the center of the piece, and Fraser’s motivation for doing the interview to begin with, but something that couldn’t be approached directly. I can see how some readers would think it was downplayed, but I thought the structure actually reinforced the message that the sexual assault was a

You don’t know me, but I’m sorry your night was rough. I’m struggling too.

Thank you Weezy, love. :::big hugs::

Glad this asshole got caught, especially since it was his greed and entitlement that lead to it.

Not living in West Virginia: Priceless.

Hope everything is okay.

Weird to be home for a family emergency and see my home town news call letters appear on the top of Jez.

I’m tired so maybe I feeling generous but I read it like she made a mistake and she has empathy for people who have made similar mistakes. I don’t think she’s saying she has empathy for Polanski.

Are you familiar with the concept of aging? Almost everyone in high school right now will be eligible to vote in 2020.