
He’s plagarizing the Bible now?!?! That’s not something Christians usually do. They drop verses with the citation all the dang time, but usually don’t straight crib the thing. Ugh.

It’s frightening as fuck.

Rooo you have been consistently prescient during this hellish administration. I listen!

Ummm. What is this that I’m looking at here? I know it can be real, I don’t want it to be though.


If that’s how she dries them I have zero confidence in her washing skills. What I’m saying is she’s blowing mad butt germs all over everyone. She’s a pig. How revolting.

I. I just don’t understand anything about shirtless Jones.

When I go back, which is rarely, the smell of Chemical Valley hits me before I reach kanawha county where I’m from. Lord have mercy-that stink!

And I forgot to say first thing- I’m really sorry you’re having health issues from living there. It’s almost impossible to avoid and so frustrating. Take care.

I grew up there. It left me with lifelong health problems. That said, I have not had the asthma and nosebleeds of the same severity as I had the first 21 years of my life. I have sarcoidosis now though. That place can kill you.

Now I got a case of the giggles.


I’ve had a shit day and that was the first laugh I had. I sent a screengrab of your comment to Mr. WeezerLou and he said,”I bet he honestly believes he would. And that no bullet would hit him, with his moves like Bruce Lee. All in his vanilla soft-serve ice cream head.”

Now that’s funny!

That’s the same one I grew up with. It’s amazing so many people don’t get the point of the verse. It’s not about “Honey I Shrunk the Kids” miniaturization or huge gateways assholes!

Thank you for keeping us apprised Bernd. You are often on my mind and I’m truly happy To see you again.

As someone who was raised to believe this awful gobbledygook, yet never once subscribed to it, AMEN!


I remember! It was the first thing I thought of when I saw the headline!

I hope you’re doing better this morning moppet! Take care of yourself. Hugs to you.