
I’ll tell you what I don’t tell my husband when he catches me watching and asks that question...ME!

Amen! I didn’t have to go to law school to learn this. I did go to law school though and they do teach that slippery slopes are bullshit.

Dang! Fucking stirrup pants! Im 5’11” so when everybody was wearing these I was not. The waistband was mid butt with the crotch mid thigh. I mean high school WeezerLou made a lot of bad fashion decisions but this one was made for me. Jeez did I ever try though!

Truth! I do all my parental duties. Raised them, paid for college, adore them. If we can’t have a little fun it would suck more often than necessary!

Every Friday I send him the same joke with a tacky picture.

Nice! The kids call my jokes dad jokes too! I’m the mom, but it still works!

My kind of joke! I’ll send it to my 24 year old son. He loves my jokes. Last time I sent him one (Sunday) he said I’m killing him slowly.

Paul Marciano’s “ I never touched her inappropriately.” line is likely something he believes. He probably thinks grabbing her breasts for an authenticity check is appropriate. He’s wrong.

Oh man! My daughter in law is a nanny. When she showed me a pic of the baby she was going to be caring for I actually gasped. She looked like George Washington on his deathbed. I didn’t even say anything before she yelled at me that all babies are beautiful. They aren’t. Her response told me she thought this kid

Happening to me as well.

That’s a great way to describe it! I had a 104 degree fever and the pain was next to unbearable. There was a red streak that went up my neck and down my arm from the bright red splotch at the site of the infection. It was the worst! I was terrified it would happen again the whole time I was breastfeeding (which was

It really is terrible! I ended up with necrosis and a lumpectomy to remove the chunk of dead tissue. I don’t think anything has made me feel worse.

Oh god that asshole from Missouri right? Ugh.


Next time I have to try on something or go to the doctor where I’ll have to get undressed I’m going to bring those with me! I HATE getting dressed again and having my clothes janked up. At home I always put it on after I’m dressed but I forget to dress in a way to avoid those stripes later. I just put a sheer trouser

That’s good to know! It’s only ever an issue on the rare occasion I try things on when I shop but that’s one of those “of course that makes sense” things. That’s why it never occurred to me! Thanks!

Yes! If you’ve spent time cursing and wiping deodorant stripes off with a damp anything you figure out that putting it on after is the only way to go.

Now this is hilarious!

They totally sucked individually and under their own names. It’s unnecessary to compare them to Hitler.

I wrote and deleted multiple times onlyto come to this: I’m a birthmother and it is so hard to know what to say. It’s prickly and painful. You’re almost certainly correct that she doesn’t think she has a right. I’ve actually done the same thing. I’ve had lengthy conversations with my daughters adoptive parents and