Welcome to Virginia!
Welcome to Virginia!
I’m part of LWCC! Getting up in Brat’s grill is only part of what has to be done indeed! It was great to get to support and vote for Dawn Adams and see her win. We have an abundance of noxious pols in this county.
Amanda Chase. Ugh.
Yeah you didn’t need to clarify that. It was obvious that’s what you think.
With the general assembly in session in Virginia there is a state senator from my area who is the go to woman to speak about a lot of issues in the press She is hard core terrible, setting herself apart by out awfuling the republican men. I would love to see an Ann Richards type voice emerge!
“Oh just wait til I say this on Jezebel, they’ll get hysterical and start yapping at me. Total own!” He no doubt takes any reaction to his shitty posts as hysteria or overreacting or silly yapping. I wouldn’t expect anything else from such a jackass
I doubt you have any interest in hearing “it” or even what “it” might be. A non shitty person would not insult women voicing their concerns and experiences by calling them yappy for doing so. Yet here you are
I’m bi polar 2 as well. It can be so hard. I gave up on being happy again and existed only. Nothing sparkled. I never laughed it was to much to bear but having thought about ending myself for so long and living like it was inevitable it occurred to me that I did want it over with but I meant the pain a sorrow and…
Until I found the picture of my son with B1 and B2 that we paid to have taken at an event where they were appearing that my son was so excited to go and meet them,until that picture resurfaced hethought we weremessing with him. He didn’t remember them. He was about 4 and loved them but blocked them out later!
Awww. We sang REMs I am Superman when the kids were little. I’d lay on my back and make them fly on the bottoms of my upraised feet and sing “I am Superman and I can do anything “ the song can be creepy but it was fun to play Superman as they called it. They’re a foot taller than I now and I’m not short! I will have…
I used to go through long periods of depression and intrusive,persistent ideation. I apologize for how trite I’m gping to sound but saying these things helped me find my way out of the fog. Your depression is talking. It’s a disease and you have a suicidality symptom you know it’s not normal but it sounds like you. I…
My husband is out of town but I sent him this bc he’s a disability rights P&A attorney. He said to ask again Monday when he’s at his desk but there is money available for the ramp and other modifications through waivers and assistance through centers for independent living. These exist in every state. If you want any…
Too late! I’m in bananas in pajamas mode now!
What the heck just happened? The theme song to Timmy the Tooth is now on loop in my brain like it’s 1996!
robert Weide rebuts the op eds by the farrows with zealous attempts to discredit and pity Dylan because he knows woody is innocent. That toady is many things but smarter than me isn’t one of them.
“Yeah nothing screams compassion like misleading crises pregnancy centers, using gory fetal pictures, misrepresentations about legal rights and straight up lies to try and convince teenagers to carry to term with children that will help ensure” newborn babies for families that pay the fee, pass their tests, and lie,…
These kids need to ride the rails and drink sterno. That’s how we MAGA right?
He’d absolutely have one with his gross ass and hellspawn on the cover
I know I’ve hijacked this non wv thread but I just read the legislature just dismantled the department of education and arts! Damnit wv!