
When it comes to hitting two from behind, it seems natural to expect more of a drive by in New England.

Good thing he is closer to Wall Street then, since it seems he is a pretty savvy trader.

Ha ha! Same here, it came up on my drive home tonite and that was the first image that came to mind.




Thanks, yours actually made me laugh, though.

Yeah, that was my attempt at a joke. Sorry.

Urban legend has it that they are so stupid, they can drown in a rain storm by looking up. Same with turkeys.

I guess a sign change is to be expected after the whole Harvey Wallbanger fiasco.

So the moral of the story is to not lie to FIBA.


kinja liked it too.


So much for "Name That Blue".

Well, you know Burneko is acting like this whole post never existed.


Judging by the hole in his hand you can see his shirt through, he has already resigned himself to fading away.